Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1347 - People don't want skin, 贱

Chapter 1347: People don’t want skin, 贱

Ye Jian is like not seeing her, holding the roots of the old man step by step, looking ahead, with the unspeakable military power passing by Ye Ying, as Ye Zhifan said, she really does not have much The mind is entangled with Ye Yinglai.

But it will not allow such a thing to go ahead, and pretend to send a grandfather.

“Ye Ying, you dare to come and try!” After the passage, Ye simply warned coldly, “I want to enter the Beijing political group, I will let you have no chance for a lifetime!”

Ye Ying was furious, but she wanted to go back, but in the eyes of Ye Jian, who was cold and bloody, panicked and stabbed her tongue.

That kind of eyes, … let her souls are afraid to tremble! Thinking in the brain must follow, but the body’s reaction is that the back is close to the wall, giving way to the officers and men behind.

In front of the officers and men opened the road escort, the officers and men behind were solemn, the pace was calm and steady, did not pay attention to Ye Zhifan’s two fathers and daughters, and no one looked at the two fathers and daughters.

Dr. Zhou, who was standing at the door, saw this, and there was a faint chill in his eyes.

Director of the Provincial Construction Bureau? Oh, but Err.

“Don’t think that you can show your face, Ye Ying, the most indispensable thing in this world is the wise man! Just think about it, oh, I can see it!” In the end, An Jiaxin stopped in front of Ye Ying, face She is tired of the fire in her heart, sneer and sneer: “Your family is really shameless! I want to follow Ye Jian? I am! You match? Are you worthy?”

“The old man’s life is worthy of respect, like your body is dirty and stinking, don’t bother the roots and quiet!”

Ye Ying, who has a back against the wall, is only embarrassed at this time, and An Jiaxin’s words are even more fueling the fire. The evil fire in her heart is bigger and brighter, and her eyes are sharply staring at her classmates. Ye Ying gritted his teeth and chewed it. “Do you think you are smart? I am! You are a mad dog beside Ye Jian, whoever catches who will bite!”

“If I am a mad dog, the first one will kill you!” Anjiaxin will not suffer from the truss, and he will not be afraid. “Knuck the scourge like you, so as not to harm others!”

The quarrel between the two little girls is where the adults are better to intervene, and Ye Zhifan, who is less embarrassed than her daughter, snorted heavily. Dr. Zhou said: “Mr. Zhou’s daughter is really powerful!”

Dr. Zhou smiled and replied, “Ye Ye has won the prize. My Jiaxin is a straight son. I am a good friend with Ye Jian. I am a good friend and come forward. I also think she is amazing. I didn’t lose face to us.”

Even the adults don’t care, Ye Zhifan has any other way, and he has to say to his daughter: “Yingying, don’t waste your tongue with unreasonable people.”

These people are nothing, there is no need to waste their time! What they need to do is catch up with the lieutenant general and know the lieutenant with the highest rank in all the sending teams!

Ye Ying, who was sore to the heart and liver, slammed his feet, turned his head, and hurriedly caught up with Ye Zhifan’s footsteps.

“Dad, how does the dead girl have a military rank, is it fake? It must be fake! If she counts something, she will not have a military rank? It is absolutely fake!” Ye Ying, who is in a hurry, asks urgently, wants Get proof from your father, “It must be fake, right? Dad, I don’t believe, how can she have a military rank?”

What does it mean for her to enter the Beijing political group? When a literary soldier has no military ranks!

(End of this chapter)

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