Chapter 1348 People’s Heroes

Ye Zhifan also had some confusion in his heart, his face was cold and cold: “I don’t know, so I have to keep up with it. Also, I don’t want to make any claims in the city again, I don’t hear it! On the way you just said, those officers and men are still given I am in love!”

The rank of lieutenant general, there are at least two former security guards around him, he slammed out like this, and the guards have the possibility of pulling the gun!

“I’m sorry, Dad. I was too anxious just now.” Ye Ying also knew that she was too rash, and she thought that she was whispered by Ye Jian, and her heart was burning with fire and her internal organs were hurting. “I will definitely be in the city.” Listen to your arrangement.”

Ye Zhifan didn’t say anything more. He lightly pointed his head and accelerated his pace to catch up.

When the two fathers and daughters left, An Jiaxin was anxious to turn around. Ye Ying, a guy with a bad stomach, did not have a good thing to keep up! At that time, Jane is busy dealing with the funeral of Grandpa, and there is still time to manage Ye Ying!

No, no, she has to follow, do not do anything else, just stare at Ye Ying!

“Mom, I am going to the city! The tuition fee will be remitted to me when I arrive!” An Jiaxin pinched his notice, and then rushed to run outside, she had to go home to get the luggage, and then 10:00 in the morning. Very go to the city bus!

Dr. Zhou, who had thought about his daughter’s relationship with Ye Jian, did not change the white coat. He picked up his wallet and chased it. “Take the baggage and go straight to the school from the city the day after tomorrow. Train tickets and student IDs are remembered. , the notice must be put away!”

An Jiaxin was an independent child since he was a child. When he went to the provincial capital in high school, he did not let the parents send it. Now he does not need parents to go to college.

After picking up a few hundred notes of denomination and taking dozens of pocket money, An Jiaxin waved his hand and left the town hospital without returning.

From Fujun Town to Anyang City, Ye Jian has been accompanying the old man who has closed his eyes forever. He is accompanied by Xia Jinyuan, Liu Tuanchang, Yan Zhengwei and Chen.

Commander-in-chief Xia and two school leaders were driven by the guards to drive Xia Jinyuan back to Anyang’s car, followed by the troops’ cars and went to Anyang.

At the end of August, the sun was very strong, and the heat remained at 36 degrees. The body of the old uncle should not stay too long. The vehicles arranged by the troops have already been waiting at the intersection of the provincial highway. There are ten bodies on each side of the vehicle. In the spring and autumn military uniforms, officers and men with big hats on their heads waited for the arrival of the old squad leader with their solemn military posture.

After six and a half hours, as the car slowly drove out, twenty officers and men stood up to salute and greeted the old squad leader to get off.

The coffin covered with the national flag was lifted out little by little, and was gently placed on the vehicle of the funeral parlour in the eyes of the officers and men. The atmosphere was solemn enough to make people breathe, and the sadness filled every look of fortitude. Officers and soldiers, they used the military ceremony to express their high respect for the roots.

Ye Jian did not cry, but gently stroked the coffin, gently told the old man who was sleeping forever. “Grandpa, your most respected troops have come to many officers and men, they have come to send you, are you happy?”

“I am very happy, very happy, the troops will always remember you, and will never forget your contribution to the country and the soldiers. You will rest in peace. In the future, I will inherit your dedication as they do and return me with one heart and one mind.” The country, returning to my troops. Never let down your expectations of me, and will not do anything to shame you.”

(End of this chapter)

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