Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1349 - Why do you fight for it?

Chapter 1349 Why do you fight for it?

She smiled and said, with a strong stretch of eyebrows, standing on the vehicle of the funeral home, and honoring her military service for the officers and men sent by the old man.

Standing at the end of Ye Ying fist, clenched to the nails deeply into the palm of the heart, such a grand farewell ceremony … let the dead **** head out of the limelight! Let all the officers and men look down on her!

I always thought that she was the focus of attention, but I don’t know when… but let Ye Jian grab the limelight and **** everything that belongs to him!

The classmates in the class are all around Ye Jian. All the teachers just mention that she is full of praise, even the parents of all the students think that Ye Jian is very good.

A guy who has no mother and no father, but also looks at her face to have a meal, why do she get it all! Why is it even more dazzling than her Ye Ying!

The ripples like the river made Yan Ying’s facial features distort, and the original pretty face was distorted. It was like a girl who was less than twenty years old, and she was 40 or 50 years old. The middle-aged woman is just as ugly.

Ye Ying only saw that Ye Jian was noticed, but did not know that Ye Jian also won the respect of many officers and men, especially those who knew Ye Jian. Their eyes on Ye Jian were the eyes of the comrades who care about their comrades and worry about their comrades!

Ye Zhifan knows that things are not ordinary tricks, and even faintly guess… The lieutenant may know Ye Jian.

Also, he noticed that when Ye Jian got off the bus and got on the bus, several officers and men who escorted her away with familiar eyes and looked at her with care. The eyes were clearly aware of Ye Jian.

How do you know Ye Jian?

How can Ye Jian know them?

Roots and uncles have a big relationship network. How can people who know Ye Jian know even the basic officers and men?

The more I thought, Ye Zhifan was afraid that she would be more shocked and stunned. She carefully found her daughter Ye Ying’s madness, and she seemed to be rushing to fight with Ye Jian at any time. She jumped his brow and jumped. Ye Ying, “Ying Ying, you have to learn to control your temper again, how do you compare with Ye Jian!”

“Dad, … her everything should belong to me, it belongs to me! All this belongs to me!” Ye Ying did not see the officers and soldiers care about Ye Jian, but she felt the atmosphere was different. All around Ye Jian, all belong to Ye Jian alone!

Ye Zhifan, whose face was white and white, pressed the fire in his heart and slandered: “All that belongs to you? Ye Ying, you have to be awake again, Dad is completely disappointed with you!”

One leaf is blind!

In the eyes, there is only Ye Jian’s present, but I don’t want to think deeply about why Ye Jian has today, and also has her own efforts!

“I said that Ye Jian is no worse than you, and you are no worse than Ye Jian!” If it wasn’t his only daughter, Ye Zhifan really wanted to leave it alone. If it weren’t for the people behind Yupei, he even thought about giving up the same. Ye Jianzheng.

Just because my daughter is now, what is the same with Ye!

“I am going to take you to the roots of the old memorial service. If you don’t know whether Ye Jian and the lieutenant know it, you are not allowed to give me a claim!” For his career, for his daughter’s way, he is looking for opportunities. There is no second choice!

Ye Ying was crying at this moment. She didn’t want to believe what she saw before, and she was even more reluctant to accept that Ye Jian had already surpassed her own reality.

It is a pity that she does not believe, is unwilling and useless, and the father who is always awake is always reminding herself that the dead girl is now stronger than her!

Good night, little goblins!

(End of this chapter)

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