Chapter 1351 Friends of a lifetime

If Sun Dongqing came over and saw Ye Jian with so many officers as if they were like a relative, they still didn’t know what crazy action they would make, and only he was the one who cleaned up the mess.

In the eyes of the blind man, Ye Ying nodded and nodded, but his heart flashed a guilty conscience. In the first second, she thought about how good Sun Chunqing should be if she wanted to come up, and she would see Ye Zhifan’s expression. Where can I dare to mention it?

At home, who can ultimately rely on, Ye Ying has always been able to distinguish.

The two fathers and daughters continued to appear in the memorial service of the old uncle, and saw that even the soldiers who stood outside were guarding the memorial service, Ye Zhifan could not help but bowed his head, and even the official Wei had converged a lot.

Looking at the roots of the old man surrounded by white chrysanthemums, Ye Zhifan put a chrysanthemum in his heart is not a taste.

If he knew earlier that the old man knew so many prominent officers, he could not have let Ye Jian follow him, but let his daughter often respect him.

It’s a pity that it’s too late to know that Ye Jian, who has been trained in one hand, has become a direct family member in everyone’s mind. Looking at every sly guest will comfort Ye Jian a few words, Ye Zhifan only sighed.

The memorial service will end from 3 pm to 5 pm, and the old man will not like to spread the extravagance before his death. He will not tell too many people before his death. The troops are not too extravagant according to his last words. One of them exists in the legend and even the top leader met. It is necessary to say that the “old squad leader” first-class sergeant died, and only the people in the army were sent off.

The army general Yang was unable to get out of the scene because of a certain base, and personally called to pay tribute to show respect.

In and out of the officers and men dressed in military uniforms, An Jiaxin, who has been keeping an eye on Ye Ying, dare not even dare to come out, carefully standing in the corner, and only paying attention to Ye Ying’s whereabouts in a resolute manner.

“What the sneaky station is doing here?” Someone suddenly took An Jiaxin’s shoulder from behind, and she missed her heartbeat and missed it. Turning her head and looking again, An Jiaxin patted her chest lightly. “It’s you.” ,Scared me.”

T6 raised his eyebrows. “The memory is good, remember me.”

“I am not stupid.” An Jiaxin sighed. He did not pay much attention to the man who was said to be a soldier. He once again turned his eyes to the place where Ye Ying was. What about people? What about people? The bright eyes are wide.

The people who looked at the green grass were eager to find, and they were still there a second ago. After a second, people disappeared.

A casual T6 went to the crowd along her line of sight and saw her look like a man. She couldn’t help but ask, “Who are you looking for? Need my help?”

“Looking for a very annoying person, I have been keeping an eye on her, you just took me a moment, and the lady who returned to the head will disappear!” An Jiaxin was in a hurry, and the time to chase it will be the last time. At the main meeting, the head of Liu’s voice said the glorious deeds of the old man’s life. After a while, the body of the old man’s body would be sent to cremation. At the last minute, Ye Ying could not make bad things!

She didn’t say who T6 was looking for, but she couldn’t help. She whispered to her, “Let’s talk to me about the person you are looking for. Two people are looking for someone to look for.”

It is also!

An Jiaxin immediately said Ye Ying and Ye Zhifan’s dress, and finished the solemn way: “This father and daughter are very bad on Ye Jian, especially the woman, from childhood to big bully Ye Jian, you immediately find me after you find it!”

Wearing a casual dress, and in order to approach the pure girl’s T6 temperament clean to the next big brother, coupled with a handsome look, An Jiaxin has seen him three times, and did not think that T6 is a soldier.

Because watching is too different!

Power outages, blackouts, power outages, and power outages… and, at 7:00 in the morning, stop at 9:00 in the evening…

(End of this chapter)

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