Chapter 1352 is also a shameless face

After speaking with a commanding tone, An Jiaxin urged him to help him find it. “You can help me to go there and see, I must not let the two fathers and daughters approach Ye Jian, let alone approach the person who is said to be the title of the audience. The biggest general!”

“I am Lieutenant General.” T6 corrected and thought: “In this case, I will take you to the Lieutenant General to see it. Maybe, the person you are looking for has already found the Lieutenant.”

The commander-in-chief of Xia suddenly appeared in Anyang City and appeared at the memorial service of a first-class sergeant. There will always be someone who needs to find some free time to greet him.

Looking at her single-mindedly thinking about Ye Jian, T6 smiled slightly in the eyes, waiting for the old squad leader’s memorial service to end, he wants to catch her to get a contact.

Looking at the big bang, in fact, the mind is very delicate, the first time they met on the last day of the college entrance examination, how did not ask a little personal information, the second time with Xia Jinyuan to Fujun Town, and met her in the town, … same, Nothing is wrong with anything. I use the phrase “You are a bad person, I am not fooled” and stare at myself, so that he hastened to review his own thoughts and is not discovered by her.

The third time I met, I asked for a contact… It shouldn’t be a quick progress.

The dark T6 in the heart came with An Jiaxin to the commander-in-chief of the summer. Before he came closer, he heard the sound of An Jiaxin’s “嚯嚯” grinding teeth. “You still have to be shameless, but also shameless!”

The leaves are not open, and the two shameless faces come to climb!

“No, I have to poke through the two false faces, but I can’t let them really climb the relationship. Ye Yi still wants to enter the army, don’t let the troops be shamed!”

There is no good face to Ye Ying’s An Jiaxin, and the tone is disgusting to make the T6 look unsightly.

“Do you hate those two people?” T6, who is not very clear, asked more questions. I would like to know more about it. I know more about her. “I hate to want to see the two?”

An Jiaxin looked at the young man who spoke to her old man. She rushed up so badly, and the lieutenant who had the biggest rank would not take care of herself.

“You, know the lieutenant?” Do not want to cause other troubles, it is best to be recommended by others.

Commander-in-chief Xia did know him. He also received the medal he personally handed in during the commendation.

T6 nodded. “Know, if you want to find the two individuals, I can take you over.” When it comes to Ye Jian, he still has to manage. “You don’t have to be too impatient when you see the lieutenant. What did the two men say?”

Ye Jian and Xia Jinyuan did not notice that Ye Zhifan took Ye Ying to find the commander-in-chief of Xia, and the head of Liu, who was red-faced in his eyes, finished his eulogy. In the sound of sorrow, the platoon leader of a unit took ten soldiers and took off. The military cap screamed at the old squad leader. This is the last officer who mourned.

“All take off your hat!”

The final farewell, the Commander-in-Chief did not listen to what Ye Zhifan said, and he looked unscrupulous and took off his hat. He looked at the old squad leader lying in the white chrysanthemum bushes, one, two, three.

Ye Zhifan is anxious, and will wait for the spirit to be carried away. The lieutenant is only afraid to leave, … but he has not yet climbed the relationship!

An Jiaxin, who has already come to see this, immediately took a step and showed a sneer at Ye Ying. The disgusting person should not appear in the memorial service of the grandfather! Still looking for an opportunity to put Ye Ying into the army, shameless to really shame!

(End of this chapter)

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