Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1353 - How strange the wicked

Chapter 1353, the wicked people are weird

“The lieutenant did not pay attention to them, you can rest assured.” T6 saw the commander-in-chief of Xia directly go to the front and whispered, “The sergeant has guards around him, and they can’t easily get close.”

As for how the two people approached… T6’s gaze was slightly dimmed, and the matter needed to be mentioned to Xia Jinyuan.

No one in the audience walked around at random, watching the eight lieutenants of the Lieutenant who covered the national flag lifted again, and the leaves of the old man holding the black and white photos of the old man couldn’t help but tighten.

The old man who chose to cremate will finally lie in a small urn, … sent to the martyrs cemetery to sleep.

From now on, she can no longer see that every time she sends her own trip, she will be sent to the village entrance until she can’t see the old man who has returned home.

From now on, I can no longer hear the old man’s kind voice, and I can no longer hear the old man’s laughter.

“Let’s go.” Xia Jinyuan gently supported the girl who was strong in her will to let her distress, and said softly: “We have to send the last glimpse of the uncle, and send the uncle to the old comrades who died at the time of his life.”

The deep sigh of the leaf is simple and chin. Yes, Grandpa said that he really wants his former comrades, and wants to go back to them and sing the Long March song together to relive the hard years.

The coffin was carried by eight lieutenants, and Ye Jian was still at the forefront. The difference was that she was accompanied by Xia Jinyuan and Xia’s commander.

Ye Zhifan, who still wants to catch up, saw this and took the opportunity to take Ye Ying to the Martyrs Cemetery.

This is Ye Zhifan’s ability to know, even if it is useless in the past, just go to the cemetery in advance, just in the past to see what he can help.

Since I saw Ye Ying, I saw that my father was talking to the lieutenant who was said to have the biggest rank in the audience. She couldn’t express her opinion any more, but how could she say that “Ginger is still hot?” .

“Come to the cemetery to find opportunities to do something for yourself, to show the point, be flexible, let the lieutenant can see at a glance that you are doing things, even if they only look at you, Yingying, this is the impression, know no.”

Ye Ying, who is convinced of oral administration, is taught.

She knew that her father had the ability, but she had never seen such a powerful one. The high official’s eyes swept over and her knees were soft enough to wrestle almost! But Dad, can talk to the lieutenant!

Ye Ying’s heart is not a general pride. If this will be able to climb up with the lieutenant, she will have no problem in entering the Beijing political group! At that time, by that time…, she will make Ye Jian look good!

There is a groan in my heart, and the inexplicable one does not know where to come.

What happened today is a shadow cast on Ye Ying’s heart. Now, if I think that Ye Jian has not entered the army, there will be a military rank, and it will hurt the heart.

At six o’clock, Ye Jian held the casket with a folded flag in his hands and came to the cemetery of the martyrs. He walked step by step to the cemetery of the old burial root, but found that even the tombstones had been engraved.

“The old man knew that he couldn’t do it anymore. Even I was squatting to let Liu head and the strict political commissar prepare everything behind, in order not to make you sad.” Chan’s voice has been hoarse and like a broken wind, rustling. I need to listen carefully to know what he said.

The last hand was filled with soil, and the eyelashes twitched lightly, squeezing his own shaking voice, crying and smiling: “Grandpa is afraid that I will be distracted by training, and I will be patient when I am sick.”

(End of this chapter)

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