Chapter 1354 is really shameful

“Good boy, you know it.” Chan’s hand put a chrysanthemum in the newly-filled new soil and looked at the old man who smiled in the black and white photo. President Chen also smiled and looked, “Old man, You can meet with your old comrades, and I will come to see you with Ye Haotou and accompany you.”

Xia Jinyuan put down the white chrysanthemum in his hand, and respectfully bowed his head. “Uncle, I am afraid that there is not a lot of time to come back to see you. Please forgive me. But as long as Ye Jian wants to come back, and I just accompany her, I will definitely follow She will come back to see you.”

The final farewell, one by one, white chrysanthemum was placed on the cemetery, the kind old man always looked with a smile, as if still alive, the pair of wise eyes silently encouraged every officer.

After Ye Zhifan put down the flowers, he stood with Ye Ying standing next to Ye Jian, and he wanted to express his arrival in the cemetery in advance. The result was directly blocked by the officers and men, even if he showed his identity and did not let go.

When he wants to show his face, he is angry, and when he sees that Xia Zhong will gently pat the shoulders of Ye Jian to express his comfort, Ye Zhifan has another idea.

Since everyone’s eyes are on Ye Jian, then this will be borrowed!

“Ye Jian, people can’t resurrect, take care of their own body.” He sighed and spoke with Ye Jian in a gentle tone he had never had before. “If you are tired, the door of your uncle’s house will always be open for you. welcome back.”

Ye Jian did not move, but An Jia, who had been following Ye Ying’s body, moved, and let go of Bai Ju’s grandson’s identity and squat down. She stood up and walked to Ye Ying’s side. When she passed by, she jerked her hand and clamped the leaf. The wrist of the surplus, … hard and raw, the leaf Ying, who is not guarded at all, is towed away.

Ye Ying, who was dragging away, was out of control and screamed out of control. He realized that he was shut up and shut up immediately. He saw who was pulling her and tried to withdraw his hand. “An Jiaxin, you give Let me go! Let go!”

“Save the province, Ye Ying, how can I let you go?” An Jiaxin put all his strength on it, just tossing away the shameful Ye Ying. “I want to toss Ye Jian every day, my heart What is broken is also assigned to the army?”

Ye Ying wants to enter the army. An Jiaxin also knows that Dr. Zhou said that Ye Ying has a heart attack and cannot enter the army unless he is looking for a relationship.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t think of what Ye Ying was coming to play today.

She stalked Ye Ying, and waited for Ye Zhifan to react to pull back her daughter. A tall man blocked his hand directly, and he was blocking his shot, and whispered: “Stand up, sir. In the face of so many officers and men, the face is not good.”

T6 shot, naturally successful.

Ye Zhiyan did not take care of Ye Zhifan, who was close to himself. When he appeared at the memorial service, she understood what Yejia played.

At this time, if he opened his mouth, Ye Zhifan’s mind would definitely make a look that all officers and men thought she was familiar with him. I ignored him and he sang a one-man show.

“Ye Zhifan, I don’t want to embarrass you at the funeral of my uncle, please leave.” President Chen will not be led by him, taking a step from Ye Jian’s right hand and directly making the meaning of “please”. “You can go.” ”

Xia Jinyuan could not be so polite, directly recruited the security guard, and said coldly: “Take this gentleman away.”

Still want to borrow the light of Ye Jian? Also have to see if he has such a skill!

(End of this chapter)

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