Chapter 1359, you look at you

“I will come back to see you next time. Ye Zhifan, who you don’t want to see, comes with his daughter. I have to go down and deal with it. Ye Ying, … you are right, as long as I stand up, Ye Ying only looks at it. In the future, she only looked at me.”

The last sentence is low and condensed to the cold, accompanied by a sword-like ambiguity, the word is like a sword, the word contains sharp.

The blade that was towed away was struggling and there was no way to break the hand of An Jiaxin. In addition, there were officers and men passing by from time to time. She did not want to make a big ugly and would not dare to struggle.

An Jiaxin took her this, pulled it hard, and didn’t stop in her mouth. “Know that you don’t want to face, I will help you keep a face. Don’t thank me, look at your surname, I am big. Send compassion to help you back!”

In the ear, listening to An Jiaxin’s ridiculous words, several times Ye Ying wanted to go back, only to think of Ye Zhifan’s embarrassment and endured.

An Jiaxin took her to the bottom, and when she wanted to pull her out, Ye Ying was anxious. The voice was sharp: “An Jiaxin, you will not let me go, don’t blame me!”

“You have made me unkind, I am waiting!” An Jiaxin was not afraid of her threat, and shouted loudly. “Don’t be polite with me, there are tricks to let go! Let everyone see, you This German performance can’t enter the army, can you be a literary soldier? Also, don’t you say that you have heart disease? Ha, I really haven’t heard of people with heart disease can join the army!”

Ye Zhifan, who chased it, just heard this sentence, his eyes staring at An Jiaxin. “This classmate, can you trouble you to loosen Ye Ying’s hand first? I dragged it all the way, I think you are tired too.”

T6 turned around and smiled like a smile: “This gentleman doesn’t have to be too nervous, Jiaxin is not malicious, but it is a good intention to remind you. She said nothing wrong with heart disease, regardless of whether men and women are not eligible for recruitment.”

“Ying Ying, come over.” Ye Zhifan did not want to say more, because he is very clear that his daughter has no heart disease!

An Jiaxin let go, and the gas field did not lose the top of the scene. “Ye, Secretary Ye Ying wants to enter the army. Our whole class said that she is impossible! If she really wants to enter the army, it is really our Fujun Town. A big news!”

Well, it’s an official. How can Ye Zhifan mix his mouth with a child? Smiling: “You, this group of children, always love to worry about things that are not related to them. Uncle took Ye Ying away, you young people play.”

Lieutenant General has not left, he has to hurry in the past to become a good, but the town mayor of Fujun Town is accompanying him. Otherwise, he has no excuse to meet with Lieutenant General in the past!

Bowing down, to Ye Yingdao: “It was just good, I didn’t quarrel with her. I will meet with the lieutenant, don’t mention these messy things, properly express my longing for the troops, and respect the soldiers. The rest, Dad. Will arrange it.”

When An Xixin saw that the two fathers and daughters had to go up, the face couldn’t help but change a few laps, or T6 saw Xia Jinyuan and Ye Jian down together, reminding her: “Oh, your mission today is complete.” Finish, the rest of the matter is handed over to Ye Jian with his boyfriend.”

Hearing, An Jiaxin, who did not catch up, stared at the backs of Ye’s two fathers and daughters, grinding his teeth: “How come there are such brazen people! Disgusting to me want to vomit!”

“You, worry too much. She will handle the matter of Ye Jian.” T6 wants to bring her “turn” to her own hands, and then she will take the person away first. “I see you carry luggage in front of you.” Where is the baggage? Where is it left? Ye Jian will return to Shuikou Village. You should not, go directly to the school to report?”

Good night, good night, good night, little fairies. It’s cold, it’s all sleeping.

(End of this chapter)

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