Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1360 - Sima Zhao's heart

Chapter 1360, the heart of Sima Zhao

An Jiaxin knows the thoughts of this young man in front of him. He said the truth, “I don’t go back. I will take the train to school tomorrow, my luggage will stay at the hotel, and I will go to the hotel tonight.”

Such an honest girl, it should be turned to the hand!

One after another, T6’s thoughts came out like the bamboo shoots after the spring rain. The more girls look at the eyes, the more happy they are!

It is worthwhile to play with Ye Jian, this condition, this appearance, and this IQ is really not bad!

You have the power, the guts are more! Can you pack a daughter of the Secretary of the Construction Bureau without a tremor?

“What do you think of me?” An Jiaxin, who was remembered, felt that the other person’s eyes were not quite right. The instinctive vigilance directly opened the distance between the two. “Are you not a friend of Ye Jian’s boyfriend? Why are you still not? What am I doing?”

I don’t know if my heart is too big. I didn’t feel that this is a soldier.

Ye Jian’s boyfriend is a soldier. She has seen him wearing military uniforms, but he, An Jiaxin’s line of sight swept around the T6, and the suspicions in his eyes were even heavier.

Not too white, but not black, looks good, and dressed very clean, … is too clean and there is no strength in the officers and men who saw it before!

…will not be a fake soldier.

An Jiaxin guessed a little, and although T6 couldn’t guess what she was thinking, but from the other’s expression… Intuition told me that she was definitely not thinking about it.

Immediately, his face was positive and said: “I am a comrade-in-arms relationship with Ye Jian. I followed her along the way. Now Ye Jian, they don’t have time to take care of you. The friends who have regular comrades in our troops are their friends. Now they Without time, I have an obligation to take care of you.”

The excuse is not the general crown!

But also An Jiaxin was all right, listened to half, half of her letter blinked, smiled and said: “No, I think you should go to help Ye Jian now, that Ye Zhifan is not good, Ye Ying, go Wherever there is her play, it is also someone who looks at it. You go to help Ye Jian, I can go back to the hotel alone.”

The rejected T6 didn’t get caught up and nodded. “Well, I only intend to drive you to the place where I can take the car. Here, it is not very good to take the car. It is not safe for a girl’s family.”


An Jiaxin’s face was a little bit flustered, and she made a mistake.

“Oh, …thank you, thank you.” I was embarrassed to say that my face burned hotter.

Fortunately, she is not a face, the face is hot and the same as usual, no way, her skin is healthy, can not see red!

The T6, who had turned a smile in his heart, turned back regardless of whether Xia Jinyuan had seen it or not. He took a step-by-step gesture and left with An Jiaxin.

Xia Jinyuan is happy to see him. Seeing his comrades-in-arms don’t need to respond to him with Anjiaxin’s departure. The corner of his mouth can’t be bent very lightly. Good guy, it’s a forgotten!

“…Ye Jian, I don’t stop you. I don’t want to worry about what you want. But what about me, should you let it be?” Ye Zhifan is talking, his face is not Too good, with anger: “I am representing the villagers of the village to attend the funeral of the old man, you hate us and can not be rude.”

“Growing the old man, you dare to let go, Ye Jane, do you want to let the roots disappointed?”

Tomorrow morning, today, I am busy with the school sports meeting today. I am tired of going to bed and sleep at six o’clock. I will sleep until 9 o’clock and find that tomorrow’s children’s autumn tour is going to be ready to eat. Clicked.

(End of this chapter)

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