Chapter 1362

Also, the woman is a good graduate, and is a famous military school student. The male temperament is even better. The rank is still a colonel or a major. I have to say that Ye Jian’s boyfriend’s gaze is really good.

He is not afraid of the rank of colonel or major. I am afraid that there will be military forces behind him!

With this in mind, Ye Zhifan immediately condensed the coldness on his face, and the leaf in his eyes could not help but laugh. Look at it, Ye Zhifan must be guessing the identity of the summer team, then think about something, and quickly Make your own hypocrisy thicker, so as not to make things that make people not impress.

“Mr. Ye, the last person I want to see when my grandfather was alive is you, because the old man knows that you are a person who has no interest in the early days.” Ye Jian opened his mouth faintly and only said one sentence to let Ye Zhifan’s face Great change, “Mr. Ye suddenly appeared at the funeral of my grandfather, and 100% must be for “profit.”

“As for what “profit” comes…” The leafy light of Ye Zhifan, Ye Jian’s light and sweeping eyes… At this time, I only stared at Ye Ying, who was watching Xia Jinyuan. “I want to send Ye Yingjin to the Beijing Political Group. Mr. Ye’s appetite is not small.”

Xia Jinyuan loves Ye Jian, who is not merciless to the enemy. He hears that the meager lips are shallow and shallow, and the smile is three-point lazy, and the seven points are clear, so that Ye Ying’s face is always staring at him. I was shocked several times.

The young man around the dead girl… She has seen it, or seen it in the province!

Yao Jing, yes, the first person to find this man is Yao Jing. She also asked herself to ask the man’s contact information. As a result, he did not speak, and he was ignored!

At that time, I only felt embarrassed, but I still had to take care of Yao Jing. I could only pretend not to care.

After almost two years, I once again saw the young man who had given me embarrassment. Ye Ying’s face was blue and white, and it’s so wonderful for a while!

It turned out that the man of that year came to the school to find Ye Jian!

When Ye Jian spoke, Ye Ying was also gently saying, “Dad, this man and Ye Jian should be acquaintances. I saw him in the second year of high school.” Ye Ying always remembers very much for those who have given themselves embarrassment. Clearly, “He came to the province to find Ye Jian, I remember correctly, it must be him.”

“Have you seen him?” Ye Zhifan, who was listening on both sides, looked at his daughter and asked his daughter first. “When you saw him, you wore military uniforms or casual clothes.”

“Clothes.” Ye Ying’s line of sight squinted at Xia Jinjin, and quietly replied, “I only saw him once, and I have never seen it again. Dad, the relationship between them is not too simple.”

Did not wear military uniforms, … even the old uncle did not wear military uniforms at the funeral, is he guessing wrong, the other party is not a soldier, but a wealthy family with a good family?

No, no, the average rich family does not have the temperament of his body, the temperament that can’t be said, only the identity of the other party is definitely not simple.

Accompanied by Ye Jian, they sent away the old uncle, and they stood by Ye Jian on the memorial service. They were accompanied by the funeral. The relationship between the two was only likely to be approved by the uncle.



Still… who?

Ye Zhifan’s hand is a little pinched, this man must have come, the head must be extraordinary! Check, you must find out, only to find out that he is assured.

“Ye Jian, I am so uncle, your uncle, in the face of a friend, do not know how to respect the elders, you are not afraid of him making fun of it, do not worry that your friend’s family will not accept you?” Check is sure to check, first try Water is a success!

(End of this chapter)

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