Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1363 - This world, must report

Chapter 1363, this world, must report

The eye-catching Ye Zhifan fell his eyes on the young man who made him feel tight. He sighed: “My niece used to be used by Xiaoye, but did not expect to find a young man like you.”

“If she has something wrong, please ask your family to see that she should not blame her for her childhood and her mother. Let her teach her to correct it.”

A wealthy and powerful person can’t tolerate a married woman who is an ignorant woman who does not know how to respect her elders. If the junior insists on marrying her, she will surely send people to teach Ye Jian’s most basic etiquette.

Regardless of the age, the famous big family has always been the most attention to the rules!

And see, how the other party answered! !

However, in just two sentences, the words have traps and deep meaning.

Xia Jinyuan, who is eyebrows and slightly picks up his eyes, said slowly: “Many things go wrong, Mr. Ye is better to manage his daughter first, always staring at me, Mr. Ye, your daughter is really not polite.”

“Alright, like Mr. Ye, who likes to recognize relatives casually, I don’t think I can teach any good children. Unlike Ye Jian, although it’s hard to listen, it’s all true, but the **** is straight. Sincerely. I am also very disciplined. I know that I am obeying the meaning of my elders and preventing people who are not happy with the elders. Compared with Mr. Ye, Ye Jian knows the rules.”

I wanted to come to temptation. I know that I was softly ridiculed by the other side. I saw a glimpse of Ye Zhifan’s re-emphasis on the upper leaf. “Ye Jian, I am going to my sunshine road, you have passed your wooden bridge, doing things. Don’t be too outrageous!”

“Mr. Ye said it well, you walked your sunshine road, I passed my wooden bridge, please leave from my grandfather’s funeral!” The sly leaf of the twilight pointed to the direction of the cemetery exit, and the sound was cold as early as snow. I learned from the cold winter, “Ye Ying wants to enter the Beijing political group has nothing to do with me, but you want to climb the relationship at my grandfather’s funeral, Mr. Ye, are you bullying me?”

Her suffocation has always been heavy, out of the battlefield and entrained the murderous blood of the blood, the sudden changes in the light, the sudden sound of the sound, the screaming screaming of the heart suddenly screamed, and Ye Ying was shocked to the involuntary Take a step back.

At that second, Ye Ying only felt that his neck was cool, as if… there seemed to be a sharp knife, and his life was not guaranteed.

Looking at the straight leaf of the military uniform, and then seeing her epaulettes, Ye Ying, who had some shortcomings, was shocked and sweated directly on the back…. There was fear in the heart, and there was deep unwillingness!

Not too reconciled!

It’s not as good as her dead scorpion became a soldier with a military rank, and she still has nothing at all! Still nothing!

They are all harmful to her, they are all harmful!

Forcing herself to get a fake certificate from the hospital, forced her to make a ugly military training, and let her lose even the college entrance examination qualification!

They are all harmful! They are all harmful!

Hate, hate, hate too!

Hate no, kill her! Kill her!

Unwilling mentality, deep hatred, and Ye Ying’s whole heart is distorted. Apart from her face, there is something to be desired. Her body can no longer see any personality charm, and she can’t find her past life. Self-confidence, flying, and the high level of facing Jane.

Ye Ying of this world only knows that his heart is unwilling, but he does not know introspection. It can be said that she has actually destroyed almost this world.

Ye Ying, 19, don’t be too anxious, there are more exciting behind.

(End of this chapter)

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