Chapter 1365, one report, one report

Cold, disdain… She dares, how dare she lick herself!

Ye Ying’s emotions are getting out of control. If Ye Zhifan does not pull her in time, she will directly rush to Ye Jian in the next second.

“Yingying, forbearance, calm, she deliberately provokes you, don’t be fooled.” Ye Zhifan is also angry, but he is more aware of the overall situation, he can always be steady to Ye Ying, “If you are angry, she will be proud. “”

After whispering, he said to Ye Jian: “You have just gotten up and you can’t be alone. Ye Jian, I have to see how high you can climb!”

“I don’t need you to see how high I can climb. I don’t have any relationship with you.” Ye Jian went back coldly, and the black and white scorpion passed over the face of Qi Yeying, and the sneer in his heart was deeper.

In her previous life, she lived like a frightened bird for more than 20 years. At the age of 19, Ye Ying, you have to continue to suffer.

Xia Jinyuan raised his hand and looked at the watches several times. It seems that there is not much patience to accompany them. “Ye Jian, we can go, don’t talk too much to them. The German form has problems, the character has problems, even the body has Relationship, want to enter the army, let them wait.”

When he finished, the phone beeps.

“Well, we are still, well, come out immediately.” The call was as simple as ever, and I looked at Ye Zhifan and said: “Yes, I have delayed the time, Ye Jian is by my side.”

It was the call from the Commander-in-Chief of Summer, and they were waiting outside.

“Fortunately, don’t worry, we are coming out now.” Xia Jinyuan said that his eyes fell on Ye Zhifan’s body, and his thin lips hooked slightly, revealing a faint smile. He said, “You guessed it.”

Even if his line of sight is extremely light, he can feel the sense of substance. When he notices, Ye Zhifan, who is looking at him, immediately sees his smile. From his faint to a flash of laughter, he laughs a little.

Before he could make a deep impression, Xia Jinyuan made a gesture to Ye Jian, and the two of them crossed the Ye Zhifan two fathers and women and walked outside.

Ye Zhifan, who did not do anything, flashed slightly, and there was a dark color in the depths of his eyes. He stared at the back of Xia Jinyuan’s back to the face of the face that was white and white: “Yingying, let’s go.”

“Dad, she is too bully!” I hate the teeth and the sound of the leaves are full of anger and grievances, plus unwillingness and jealousy, all over the body are cold and cold, “I also talk about what you are not suitable, I Not qualified, Dad, we can’t just let her go, absolutely not!”

Ye Zhifan’s very calm opening, “So, Yingying, Dad is waiting for you to grow up, waiting for you to clean up her. If you don’t walk in front of her, you will never be able to fight back, nor can you sweep away the shame. “”

Looking at the daughter who only knows how to be angry, and habitually lifts out the parental identity, Ye Zhifan’s eyes converge on many complicated emotions, different, different, and different.

A person who grew up without parental protection can resist wind and snow like a weed, and one like a flower in a greenhouse, unable to withstand the wind and rain.

Different, different, big difference!

Therefore, Ye Ying must enter the army, let her experience the rules in the army, let her escape from his protection, learn to survive.

Outside, Commander-in-Chief Xia saw the nephew in his eyes, and said to Ye Jianhe: “Okay, Ye Jian.”

“Thank you for your concern, I am fine.” Ye Jian’s answer was very cautious. “When Grandpa died, I still don’t forget that the girl is strong, I will not let Grandpa disappoint.”

It’s not easy to update from 10 to 11.30! Go to bed early and go to bed

I was scared of urine and scared the urine. Yesterday I wanted to say “Tomorrow is better”, and I have a special hand to get a “Tomorrow!” I want to think a lot more in my heart!

(End of this chapter)

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