Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1366 - Daughter-in-law is going to be amazing

Chapter 1366, daughter-in-law is very powerful

Commander-in-chief Xia is appreciative of Ye Jian. A girl can stand firm in the army with her own skills, and let the younger Yang in the army remember, and concentrate on training her so that she can enter the snowy field more smoothly in the future. “Special forces”, from this point alone, I can see that Ye Jian’s contribution is much stronger than those of the military who rely on the home.

Xia Jia, does not need a daughter-in-law to support the facade, and does not need to find a powerful daughter-in-law to add icing on the cake, Xia Jia, what is needed is a husband who can go together and have the same goal. daughter in law.

Ye Jian is undoubtedly a girl who is very suitable for Xia Jia’s daughter-in-law. She is not only unilaterally excellent, but also excellent in all aspects of development.

Such a child will never add trouble to the summer family, but only bring higher glory to the summer family.

Such glory belongs to the glory of the military family and the glory of the military family. It is also the greatest hope of the summer parents for their grandchildren.

I have always relied on myself, I have not borrowed a summer light, and I don’t even need the help of Xia Jinyuan’s Ye Jian. The smile on the face of General Xia’s face is more and more kind. “The old squad leader is gone, and later by our summer home. Take care of you, Xia Jia, is your home, no matter which step you take with Xia Jinjin, Xia Jia will always be your home.”

“He has to do something sorry for you, you don’t have to be afraid, just talk to me directly. It’s big, I have to protect myself. I fell out with him, you are the daughter of my summer club.”

Said, Commander-in-Chief Xia laughed in the cold and handsome face of Xia Jinyuan. “When you don’t have a daughter-in-law, when I am a daughter, I am the daughter of my Amoi, good!”

I have to say that the commander of the summer commander is a hand.

In the face of a dad who likes to hang his son, Xia Major has become accustomed to it. It is because he had committed too many anecdotes when he was a child, so that when Dad’s heart is not directed to be a son!

“Dad, I will not take Ye Jian with you in the same car in the future!” It is definitely a completely wrong choice!

At the work of the summer commander-in-chief, Wei Hehe, he was not angry and self-defeating. In his life, the commander-in-chief of the summer exuded the military power engraved into the soul, but his smile was kind enough to make Ye Jian gradually relax.

“I just didn’t let you get on the bus. It was you sitting in front of you.” Seeing that his son had a hard time, the commander-in-chief of Xia was only comfortable with his body and mind. He was so angry that he could not speak. Xia old man, now, hahahaha, the wind and water turn, he can finally put on the father’s spectrum!

After that, I said to the grinning Ye Jian: “You must remember it in the heart of the last time. Don’t forget it. Like him, he owes it, and he will climb very hard. He can’t Too polite.”

“Our president has said that “the guns are under the political power”, and it is the same in the family. If you want to hold him, he will be honest.”


Commander-in-chief Xia really didn’t say that in his mouth, he thought so in his heart!

No way, Xia Jinyuan did not know what to do when he left a shadow. When Xia Jinyuan was eight or nine years old, he thought about finding a powerful daughter-in-law and giving his son a headache!

Otherwise, he is afraid that he will have to worry about it when he is old!

Now, not only do you have to worry about it, but sometimes it’s quite proud, but! Commander-in-chief Xia is looking for a powerful daughter-in-law who lives in Xia Jinyuan’s obsession.

(End of this chapter)

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