Chapter 1370, be careful.

Ye Jian!

How does she join a lieutenant in a car? How did the lieutenant allow a military school student to get on the bus?

What happened in the middle!

Ye Zhifan suddenly fell into the sea, she even took a car with Lieutenant General, and also sat in the back row!

A military school student was interviewed by a lieutenant general and could also take a car with the lieutenant. What does this mean? !

If one day he suddenly took a car with the head of the southern province and got off the bus with a smile, what does this mean? This represents an eye! Representatives are expected to bring! On behalf of Ye Jian, there is a backing in the army, which means that as long as she does not make mistakes, she will be able to make progress!

Uncle Root, … a good silent voice, but in the hands of the roots of the people who have a step-by-step network, I really blinked, really! Squinted!

Pushing Ye Jian, who needs to be retired, to a veteran who has a hand-to-hand contact, he not only blinks, but his brain is in the water!

The cool breeze caught a trace of heat, and Ye Zhifan, who was full of bitterness, shuddered.

He blinked and blinked!

As a result, Ye Jian is equivalent to the lieutenant general, relying on a strong, military-minded lieutenant, … no wonder can wear military uniforms in advance, no wonder the military ranks to the captain!

It turns out that it is so!

The leaves coming down from the car simply held the door, and the voice slightly converged and politely said goodbye: “Goodbye, Commander-in-Chief.”

Commander-in-chief waved at her and smiled softly. “Small leaf, you are called my uncle during non-working hours. Take care of yourself and come to Beijing to call your uncle in advance.”

It is completely an attitude that recognizes Ye Jian as a daughter-in-law.

“You can go.” Xia Jinyuan urged, there is such a pit son’s jealousy, rare!

Ye Zhifan, who was directly stopped by the security guards and was a few meters away from the vehicle, couldn’t hear what they said, but it can be seen from the smile of Ye Jian, and he must have a good time!

Also, what kind of identity did the young man he saw during the day? How can I take a car with Lieutenant General?

For a time, Ye Zhifan’s heart was ups and downs. When he was dark and uncertain, he secretly clenched his fists. He also reacted that he wanted to know the lieutenant general. It was impossible to take the opportunity to send his daughter Ye Ying to the Beijing political group.

If he is Ye Jian, he will surely sue the two sides’ grievances. Lieutenant General will know that Ye Jian will naturally favor her…. This road is blocked and will not work!

At this time, the mayor of Fujun Town hated that there could not be a hole in the hole to let himself go inside. I know… Lieutenant will turn a blind eye!

The two security guards who stopped them stepped down the stairs, and the mayor of Fujun Town, who was sweating on his forehead, started the round. “Director Ye, the lieutenant is afraid that he will not be in the car. If he is sure to get off in the car.” I guess Lieutenant is afraid that he is not in the car.”

“A man and a woman who are down are just basic officers. How can they send them over during the work?”

Ye Zhifan, who is not very good-looking, has breathed a sigh of relief. What he said is a bit reasonable. How can a lieutenant in the hall send someone to the guest house in person? Even the top leader of Anyang City does not have such a privilege.

I thought so in my heart, but the intuition told him that Lieutenant was actually in the car!

Because, those guards!

Uncle, you are really capable, you can let a lieutenant personally send Ye Jian back!

The famous lieutenant is a patron, and her daughter is afraid that she will climb through her military camp.

Ye Zhifan even looked gloomy.

(End of this chapter)

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