Chapter 1371 Absolute spike

The commander-in-chief of Xia did not have to come forward, enough to make Ye Zhifan dare not move.

Ye Zhifan, who had no face, could only step down the ladder handed over by the mayor of Fujun Town. Some sighed and sighed: “It seems that there is no car in the car. Mayor Cao, I went to the guest house to play with another acquaintance. Hello, Mr. Cao is pleased.”

This is the meaning of asking people to go. He is looking for Chen Dongfeng, and it is not likely to leave a face for himself. How can he follow the name of Cao?

Just hurry to leave, so as not to be remembered by him, Cao Zhenchang immediately said: “Well, then I will not bother, Secretary Ye, then go back to the town and ask you for advice.”

The sound of the car started, several guards got on the bus, and Ye Jian stood with the young man in the same place. His back was straight and straight, and he was as tall and straight as the Qingshan Mountain….The young man is also the same. It is a soldier.

Ye Zhifan’s fist suddenly stunned in his heart!

The black car quickly drove into the night, and Cao Changchang carefully looked at the eye Zhifan, and he took a few cautions to say goodbye. After two young people, he could not help but look at it and then quickly left.

This year, the soldiers are not very good, especially the ranks, even more difficult to provoke, he, or quickly leave this piece of the land that makes you feel restless.

Ye Jane also politely bowed to the mayor of Fujun Town, who helped today, but he did not see the rush to go, as if there were dogs chasing after him.

There are no evil dogs, and one who is worse than the bad dogs.

The two turned their eyes and fell to Ye Zhifan, who stood in front of the guest house. The corners of his mouth showed a cool smile. They tacitly looked at each other. Xia Jinyuan was interested in picking and eyebrows. Can’t fall.”

“There is nothing to hide, come and fight.” Ye Jian laughed and said coolly, “He took the initiative, we will attack, otherwise, it will become air.”

Tonight, she still has something busy, not so free time to grind with him.

Ye Zhifan saw the light in the light, like young people and gentlemen, who came together step by step, and they only talked about themselves and completely regarded themselves as the air.

Ye Zhifan, who is proud of the spring breeze, is cautious. He has been ignored by others. Fortunately, he has always been able to bear the burden of humiliation, and he has not been squandered by his eyes.

Ye Jian sees this, and the heart can’t help but sigh.

There is such a father who can bear the good faith, whether it is the past life or the current Ye Ying is happy.

“What’s wrong?” Xia Jinyuan felt a little bit, and asked her low, “It seems like I heard you sigh.”

The light in the guest house was very bright. Like the mirror, there was a soft light shining on her hair. The fingers of Xia Jinyuan who moved their fingers restrained the urge to lick her head. “What regrets?”

“I think that Ye Ying has such a father, very happy.” If her father is there, she will certainly protect herself like Ye Zhifan, and will not let herself suffer a little wrong.

Xia Jinyuan suddenly tightened his mind and slowed down his tone. “My dad is also good. Don’t look at him from time to time to dig up traps and say how I used to make him a headache. In fact, the most short-term is him.”

“You see him now, a heart is all toward you, I have to rely on my son as a son, there is my father in you, there is no father love.”

(End of this chapter)

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