Chapter 1377, Hey, who is this?

For no other reason, President Chen did not want to let the villagers know that Ye Jian had found a boyfriend. Although the age was different, Shuikou Village was a conservative village. After 18 or 9 years of age, you can get married, but you can study. Falling in love is definitely not right!

In order to avoid some bad rumors, so the identity of our majors in summer must continue to be invisible.

In this regard, Xia Jinyuan did not have any opinion, and he did not want Ye Jian to be disturbed by rumors.

Into the village leaves, I can easily see the familiar villagers busy in the fields, and say hello with a smile. “Uncle Hai, the sun is a bit sunburned.”

The villagers who bent over and slid the grass in the fields heard the sound and immediately looked over and looked as if they couldn’t believe it. “Ye Shutou, Lao Chen, hey, why are you coming back so soon?”

The old man passed away yesterday… How come back so soon?

“Well, come back, Haishu, you are busy first.” Ye Jian knows what they are surprised. The white things in the village usually take several days. It took only a day for the grandfather to die from the death to death. Uncle Hai was surprised.

Uncle Hai was the villager who came across the first day of Ye Jian’s reunion. He also took a look at Ye Dongqing’s face for Ye Jian’s face. He carefully looked at Ye Jian’s face and said: “At noon, come to your house to cool, your home. Cool.”

Back to the mountain, there is a peach forest in front, there is a bamboo sea on the left and right, the summer is the coolest.

After chatting with Haishu for a while, I met several villagers who were busy preparing to go home. They talked while walking, and learned that the old man was quiet and the topic was much easier.

“The old man is blessed. When he was young, he was in trouble. When he was old, he was blessed. The troops took care of him before the end of life. Before the end of the life, there was a person in the army with the end of the army. It was quite good, very good.”

“Yeah, Ye Haotou, you have a good time now. When the old uncle walked, he smiled. It was obvious that he was left untouched. An Anxin left.” Another villager answered the words, and some of them were honored and authentic. “You are the only military school student in our town. The villagers of Shili and Baxiang have specially rushed to our village to see it. We all feel that there is light on the face.”

President Chen smiled. “Ye’s head is thin and thin, and it is a temper who doesn’t like to preach. You can go on and say that Ye Haotou is embarrassed.”

“What’s the embarrassment, it’s like this. Our village…” The villagers’ words have not been finished yet, and a sharp voice came from the front to interrupt him.

“It’s awful, the celebrities of Fujun Town, the first military school student is finally willing to return to the village.” Sun Dongqing, standing at the door of his home, confirmed that he did not look at his eyes, and he opened his mouth without a good word. “The military school is so great, better than looking for it.” It’s hard to find the old leaves of my family. Hey, look like you haven’t started to be a big man.”

Several villagers heard the words and their faces became cold.

They made a look at each other and told Ye Jian not to talk to her. This kind of person has nothing to say.

Who doesn’t know that Sun Dongqing is the most dissatisfied with Ye Shantou? The villagers know very well, but she is now the provincial government official’s wife, the shelf is tall and tall, and the pair is even more uncomfortable. Tired.

I won’t go back to the village in the end of the year. I will be back this year. I said it is good outside. I said that I am going back to the summer. I still have something to say that I don’t want to wait for the old Yeh’s wife. In short, there is nothing. .

“Don’t ignore her, can’t afford it, can’t afford it. Ye Haotou, walk in the middle of the uncle.”

(End of this chapter)

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