Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1378 - What can I do if I can’t get off the stage?

What can I do if I can’t get down under Chapter 1378?

The villagers with a hard temper snorted: “When you go, you haven’t done anything wrong, how can you talk about it for a while? Ye Haotou is not afraid, she is so arrogant in the village, we are not afraid of her.”

In general, if there is a big official in the village, the villagers will respect, but like the Ye Zhifan family, they will become the object of the villagers. They will not ask his family to do things, nor will he need Ye Qifan to come forward, nod and meet, and face. It’s gone.

After all, who will not have something to do with an unreasonable Sun Dongqing.

President Chen also said: “I know that you are admitted to the military academy, and her mouth has not stopped. The more she cares, the more energetic she is.”

“Old Chen is right, that is the reason, the more she cares, the more energetic!”

Ye Jian did not think about her, and it was not necessary to quarrel with her. She smiled and talked to the villagers who care about her, and did not look at Sun Dongqing.

Seeing that no one cares about her, Sun Dongqing is still proud.

I saw no, I saw her like a cat with a mouse, but also a military school student, hehe! There is no old man to protect her. She has no father and no mother.

The dead old man died well! I hate not to die a few years earlier, otherwise, the dead girl can not turn the big waves!

Lifting your chin and continuing to sing a one-man show, “The military school is also a place where you can’t get on the table. Every day, you’re mixed with mud, and you’re destined to have nothing to lose! You can’t get on the table, you can’t get on the table forever!”

She thinks that others can’t get on the countertop, but I don’t know that the whole village thinks she can’t get on the countertop.

After that, I snorted into the ground, and the laughter was very mad: “The dead girl swears to death, and waits for Ying Ying to enter the Beijing political group. You are a small military school student, hey, you can’t eat it!”

Ye Ying has not yet entered, and Sun Day’s daydream has been done beautifully.

When I heard this, Ye Jian only felt funny.

It seems that Ye Zhifan has not told her about her own troubles, and let her continue to be a daydream.

Seeing that Ye Jian passed through the entrance of the hospital, Sun Dongqing did not follow.

She saw the light smile on the corner of Ye Jian’s mouth. She felt that she was insulted. She screamed “哼” and stepped out of the courtyard to directly block Ye Jian’s way. “Is there any politeness? Seeing the elders don’t say anything.” Does the school not teach you to respect the elders? This politeness does not understand, how do you get into the military academy?”

“I will say that your military school is unclear. With you, who will be admitted to the military academy?”

Hao Hao is also the wife of the Secretary of the Construction Bureau. If you say it, it is even more difficult than the ignorant village woman. There is no temperament.

“Sun Dongqing, how did the military school get tested, do you want your family to give up and say?” The speech was too ugly, and the villagers who had advised Ye Jian to ignore it directly sneered back. “No, your family Ye Ying can’t say it. Didn’t take the college entrance examination, how do you know the military school?”

In one sentence, Sun Dongqing couldn’t get off the stage, and his face was white for a while, so it’s wonderful.

“It’s all in the same village. What kind of thing is there in your family? We don’t know? Sun Dongqing, you can’t understand Ye Jian. We know that Ye Jian has avoided you and he doesn’t care, don’t blame us for helping her. It!”

“We don’t say Ye Ying’s business. It doesn’t mean that we don’t know, don’t say it, it’s the face of Ye Zhifan, and you, don’t want to find everything to lose your own nickname and face!”

Don’t think that the villagers are really honest, too much to hold a group and say one thing, enough to make Sun Dongqing a good gas.

(End of this chapter)

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