Chapter 1381

Ye Jian, who only stayed in the village for one night, left Shuikou Village at five o’clock in the morning. When the villagers still wanted to come over and call Ye Jian to his house at 7 o’clock in the morning, she knew that she had already left.

“This girl is still the same as before, for fear of disturbing others.”

President Chen smiled and said: “Hurry to catch a train, afraid to miss the report. She is a safe man, I have not woken up, and I have packed my luggage and left.”

The child grew up and finally flew. President Chen and the villagers talked and laughed and went to the vegetable garden. Ye Shantou went to the school. He picked up the vegetable garden and collected it. The day after tomorrow, he had to go to the army to report it.

Leaving early in the morning is not just Ye Jian, but also Sun Dongqing.

“When I left, I would like to see you again. If Ye Jian came back, don’t try to be hard with her!” After receiving a call from his wife, Ye Zhifan, who was driving back early in the morning, sighed with anger. “You are good, she didn’t come home when she came back.” The door is blocked by you, and I dare to blame the old man, Sun Dongqing, is your brain in the water!”

Ye Zhifan did not enter the house, received Sun Dongqing and immediately drove away, he could not afford to lose that face!

Sun Dongqing, who had not slept for a night, was still embarrassed. She heard that her hair was not combed and her face was swollen. She looked at her own neck and went back. “Ye Zhifan, you still have no conscience! I I was almost killed by a yellow-haired hoe. You are not coming out for me. Come and marry me! Are you a **** man?”

Yesterday, Ye Jian had a slap in the hand, so that she was now vocal in her voice.

“Huang Maotou, Sun Dongqing, she wants to kill you, do you say she is still a yellow-haired girl?” Ye Zhifan really does not want to care about his stupid, looking for him all day long, no time to stop!

Yes, Ye Jian really wanted to kill himself yesterday. Sun Dongqing only felt that his neck was cold, and he hurriedly grabbed his neck. His face was a little scared.

Ye Zhifan sees this, and his heart is getting more and more angry.

Oh, but I can’t beat it, but dare to take the initiative to provoke Ye Jian!

Zhang Defu came to the phone last night and said directly that the villagers in Shuikou Village did not dare to have anything to do with Secretary Ye, afraid that they would be bullied by the grandson of Sun Dongqing!

This is not a general weight!

He is a good official who came out of Shuikou Village. If the local people do not recognize him, what good reputation will it spread? Let your political opponents seize the opportunity, still do not know what storms will be turned out!

His career will be affected, … the eyes of Ye Zhifan’s voice flashing in the eyes are fierce. “You thought that she was a cheaper one, Sun Dongqing, you are going to send me out to investigate, let the province After my official, you are **** will be!”

“You have to really take the upper hand. As a result, she was almost killed! I said, why didn’t you really kill you!”

Ye Zhifan is also very angry. He is still trying to find a way to tie up with the officers who came to the funeral of the old man yesterday. She is good, and he blocked his way in one sentence!

Once Ye Jian and Chen Dongfeng told Liu Tuan and Yan Zhengzheng, he sent his daughter to the Beijing political group. There is no hope for entering a local army!

The husband did not help himself, but also cursed how he was not killed. Sun Dongqing always stood up straight in front of Ye Zhifan. He heard that it was no different from the volcanic eruption. He immediately screamed in the car. “Okay, Ok, finally, let’s say the truth!”

(End of this chapter)

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