Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1382 - You are doing stupid things!

Chapter 1382, the stupid thing you did!

“Want to kill me? Cheng, kill me now! Don’t use Ye Jian to do it, I ask you to do it, please kill me!”

Ye Zhifan was a convex and convex to the temple. He simply stopped the car to the side of the road and shouted: “I want to kill you. My **** now kills you this idiot that has ruined his daughter’s future!” ”


“What do you mean?” As long as he is involved in Ye Ying, Sun Dongqing can grasp the key point in an instant, and it is not irritating. The head is staring at her husband. “What do you mean? What is the relationship between my leaf leaf and the future of Yingying.”

Ye Zhifan’s eyebrows, which were not going well in the past few days, were full of irritability and put down the window glass. They gave themselves a cigarette and smoked their mouths. “The roots of Jane’s funeral were dressed in military uniforms and attended with military ranks. It is.”

“Isn’t she a military school student? What is great about wearing a military.” Without waiting for her husband to finish, Sun Dongqing said with a sigh of relief, “We can wear military uniforms like the Beijing political group.”

The lesson of last night was still a bit of a effect. In the subconscious, Sun Dongqing did not dare to scream again, “a dead girl, a dead girl.”

“What’s wrong with me, she is owing!” Sun Dongqing really didn’t know what trouble he had caused Ye Zhifan. When he mentioned Ye Jian, he didn’t realize that his temper was weak. “You are scared to scare me here.” !”

Ye Zhifan saw that she had not reacted yet, and she was so angry that she sneered. “I scare you? Sun Dongqing, I tell you, Ye Jian is now a soldier with a military rank! She is not a military student!”

“The day before yesterday, she met the officers and men of the army as the granddaughter of the roots. Do you know what these officers and men have come to? The leaders of the military academy came, the leaders of the military region came, … and a lieutenant!”

“They all came, all came to attend the funeral of Uncle Root! All know Ye Jian! Ye Jian knows them all!”

At the end of the day, Ye Zhifan almost all came out and sipped into the saliva.

Sun Dongqing still had no reaction. She was stunned and twisted her body, as if… I thought… I thought about it, and finally, her face suddenly changed, and then her lips trembled. Both are white.

“Ye Jane… recognize… know them? You… do you… confirm?” Since a daughter is going to enter the Beijing political group, Ye Jian really wants to know so many officers, and Sun Dongqing feels early in the morning. My hands and feet are cold and cold, and my heart is cold. “No, impossible, how is it possible, she, she is an orphan, no, impossible.”

“Grandma is an old thing, how is it possible, how could there be so many officers to attend the funeral, Ye Zhifan, don’t scare me.”

afraid? I am afraid now?

Ye Zhifan, who had no choice but to kill, stared at her in a sullen manner. He sneered: “I am afraid, I am afraid of it! I will tell you, Lieutenant General also sent Ye Jian back to the guest house that night! She did not know. Other officers don’t care, she knows Lieutenant General!”

“I am trying to get on the outside with the strength of the troops. You are good. One old thing is all about all my efforts! Sun Dongqing, who are you? How dare you go to the old man!” ”

“The deceased is big, you know you don’t know! In the village, you have to dare to be so embarrassed. Some people have women to copy your house! You are stupid, don’t you pull me with my daughter?”

“Yesterday’s incident, as long as Ye Jian reported to the officers he knew, the daughter wanted to enter the Beijing political group? My mother told you that local troops don’t want to enter!”

(End of this chapter)

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