Chapter 1383

Sun Dongqing was stunned. “I don’t know, … I thought that the old man was dead, Ye Jian was the same as before…. I don’t know, you didn’t say anything, I know in the village.”

Stuttering, one sentence is said to be incomplete, one will break, and then it will catch up with the six gods.

“You didn’t say a word to me in a word. I know where she can still be so powerful. I will know which one will know each other. I will know this. I will go and see what I can say.”

The more and more chaotic Sun Dongqing began to rush, and turned around for a while, almost the same as the ants on the hot pot.

Ye Zhifan sucked the cigarettes a few times, and swept his eyes coldly. He knew that the urgent Sun Dongqing was sitting on the door with a sullen face. “When you stay here, you can quickly get out of the way? Get on the bus!”

“Good.” Sun Dongqing did not dare to argue. The misfortune was a bit too big to rely on his husband to explain. It is best for him to follow him. It is imperative to deal with his daughter’s affairs first.

“I think about it, you should first apologize to Ye Jiandao, and then go to the cemetery to dedicate a wreath to the old man.” Ye Zhifan could not think of a better solution, only to apologize to Ye Jian to let her not go out, In addition, he also can not think of other cracks.

Also let her go to apologize?

Sun Dongqing, who was directly pulled down by her face, only felt pain in her chest. “I almost killed her. I still apologize to her? Do I have to be so guilty?!” I was mad at her, mad at her!

“You want to apologize to her, but still have to see her accept it!” Ye Zhifan has no intention of saying anything more, he is doing the worst plan in his heart, … if you really can’t enter the army, then send it abroad.

Sun Dongqing was so painful in her chest that she had to suffer from pain in her liver. After a long while, her anger turned to her face and her voice was twisted. “Apologize! For the sake of profit, even if I let me apologize, I will accept it!” ”

“Where is she? Go to her now!”

For the sake of her daughter’s future, she is out of her face! As long as her daughter has a good time, one day she will make Ye Jian look good!

“If I know where her people are coming back, I will take you over! Go directly to her school.” Ye Zhifan was too angry, every time he said a word, the gangs were bitten tight, and even the hands holding the steering wheel were tight to the phalanx.

The mood of the two couples is not ordinary, the gloomy face on the face to the outside sun can not be scattered.

Ye Jian, who is in charge of driving, really did not think that Ye Zhifan’s husband and wife were going to go to school to find her for Ye Ying, and I used several times to look at Xia Jinyuan, who had closed his eyes and looked up. He had not recovered his sight and heard that he was lazy. The ground opened his mouth. “Little fox, you continue to peek at me like this, my sleepiness has been sneaked away by you.”

I caught a current leaf Jane without any embarrassment, but smiled and said: “I don’t know who you won with them?”

When he returned to the army, Liu Tuan and Yan Zhengwei directly pulled to the shooting range and the obstacle course to compete with the soldiers. Liu Tuan only told her that the summer team had dozens of enemies, but did not tell her the final result.

“There is only one result.” Xia Jinyuan laughed, and the elegant and elegant face sighed with the taste of three bad smells. He sighed: “Which twenty-four soldiers, it is estimated that they will still be punished.”

Competing with a special commander in a comprehensive skill, the outcome is generally not very optimistic.

But she did not think that he had no mercy. “You still know that they are pitiful, how can they not leave their hands?”

(End of this chapter)

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