Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1404 - In addition to Xueba or Xueba

Chapter 1404, in addition to Xueba or Xueba

“There are tricks, but it’s hard.” Ye Jian thought of the trick that President Chen gave himself to “pull the posture”, and he said to He Jingdao: “You are going to prepare a few sheets of paper as thick as playing cards. I will tell you at night.” ”

The whole class is such three girls, and they all have good character and excellent reading. Although Ye Jian only spends a week with them, friendship has been quietly established.

The boys who are close to them naturally hear it. They each look at each other and look at each other. How can they not lose to girls? In the evening, they have to practice again.

The whistle sounded again, and the entire first-year freshman finally got to eat at noon.

Even when the meal is over, even the instructors can’t delay, because the military school has rules for eating. After the time, I want to eat, sorry, no meal!

Therefore, the faculty can’t delay the meal.

Qi team, rectification, inventory staff… After a series of three classes of students, they can finally go to the cafeteria. The pace of everyone is going very fast, so I am afraid to go late… The meat is gone, the leaves are left, the residue is light. .

The boys can hear the sound of “squeaky” in their stomachs, and then the classes will come from all directions, one by one, and go all the way to a destination.

A “step” password quickly stopped moving forward, and the duty officer Ye Jian stood in front of the slogan training.

Every slogan training at the meal is when Ye Jian wants to laugh most. In order to get into the cafeteria early, the slogan at this time shouted that earth-shattering, and they all tried their best to eat milk. The teacher once said that the slogan of the meal was ” With life shouting, this sentence is not a fake.

It’s true that they are shouting with their lives. For a time, the slogan in front of the canteen is louder than one.

This is the time when the cadets are going to work, from the first year to the last year.

Later, Ye Jian graduated for a long time and then returned to his alma mater to see the face of Zhang Zhinen who had already appeared to be a mighty soldier. He said to the guards around him: “Every time I come in, I will immediately take a look at what dishes I have. Which dish should I choose?” Which dish looks delicious, which dish is estimated to be unsuccessful… The military school’s four-year sneak peek makes me remember.”

The sun rises and the sun sets. Ye Jane has spent the eighth day of school, and the days have been enriched to make her feel like a duck. She is better suited to military school life than any classmate.

In the evening, all the students dress neatly, and they have to bring a good military cap. The belt needs to be bundled. Every button you have to buckle, … the dress is not neat. Once it is seen by the picket, the list is corrected. It is definitely a capitalization. Miserable.

The classroom is also quiet, if the big podium… no teacher, no, it should be said that they have not seen any teacher who will stay in the classroom at night, relying on conscious discipline.

In addition to learning to master or learning to master the military, the memory is superior, a thick conditional rules one by one remember to fly fast, and finally close the book meditation, pass!

He Jing has set a small plan for herself tonight, and she still needs to ask Ye Jian for the trick of “drawing the military posture” at night.

It is also forbidden to walk around the campus at night. Of course, if you train for yourself, you don’t have to be afraid of the picket to catch the name.

“Put the book on your head. When we stand, don’t we need to lean forward slightly, put gravity on the forefoot? When your forefoot and foot step on the stairs, the heel is hanging, so do you feel the center of gravity? Lean forward?” Ye Jian started the demonstration, “Give me the paper you prepared.”

Good night, good night, good night, little fairies.

(End of this chapter)

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