Chapter 1405, a sincere girl

She had already let He Jing screaming at such a stop, and quickly handed over the paper, waiting for Ye Jian to do what he would do next.

“Put the **** lightly on the trousers, half the paper to the middle finger, half left, and the middle of the knee to hold the paper, keeping the legs stretched and stretched.” Ye Jian is on the stairs The whole process of the light demonstration, the collective benefit of the matter, Jane never hides the private, tells what he knows, but what the individual learns can only rely on the individual, she can control.

It is also this kind of selfless dedication. Ye Jian has always had a good relationship among the students. In the state of hard work in the high school period, he also gave the classmates a tutoring, and all the roommates who used to be the same dormitory were admitted to the national key universities. Even if Ye Jian left the province, the province can still hear her name.

Those who have been helped by her are still thankful to her. Every time I open the little penguin, the first thing I hear is a string of “drops” of information receiving sounds… all sent by high school students. SMS greetings.

He Jing thought that Ye Jian would simply remind himself that she knew that she was so taught with such care.

For a time, my heart was not a taste, and I was ashamed of my own little thoughts.

“The book can’t be dropped, and the paper between the fingers and the thighs can’t be dropped.” Ye Jane put the book on He Jing’s head and put the paper on her hand and thigh, the last piece of paper… Jane smiled and pointed to the knees she was close to. “The focus is coming, and you have to clip a piece of paper here.”

“Before speaking, as long as the books and papers fall, we have to add time, superimpose them in “ten minutes”.” She bent over and stuffed the paper into the knees of He Jing, and also heard congratulations. Jing and the snorkeling sound from the upper layer.

This is this… This is too embarrassing! !

He Jing felt that her knee was a little painful. “Ye, don’t tell me, you are practicing like this.”

“I really practiced this way. My uncle is a veteran. I like to let me stand in the military. I started from junior high school, … classmates, or do you think that I got a “model” title? Because I am suffering earlier than you.”

Everyone is suddenly realized! It turned out to be the case! No wonder so powerful!

He Jing understood that the upstairs eavesdropping students also understood that Ye Jian, who had intentionally explained it, patted He Jing’s knee lightly. “Well, just stand up, I will time.” Then, look up. The students who screamed upstairs to the upper floor said: “You all understand it. If you understand it, just stand together. Now, start for half an hour.”

“Rely, she seems to find us?”

“No, I am breathing my nose.”

“I found it in ten or eight. Otherwise, she wouldn’t say “I will stand together if I understand it.” I must have found it. Don’t be embarrassed, what else is it, and it was discovered.”

After three seconds, the building uploaded a shredded sound, and then Qian Yanjun opened his mouth a bit. “That, cough…, we have no other meaning, that is… we also want to learn.”

In the morning, the boys heard the dialogue between Ye Jian and He Jing, thinking that they could be behind the girls as a boy. The discussion decided to let Qian Yanjun and Song Zhiqiu take the lead to peek.

I heard Ye Jian’s words, and all of them were shocked.

He Jing didn’t know anyone above, he heard the sound coming down and the paper on his knees fell.

(End of this chapter)

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