Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1407 - Comrade, what are you doing?

Chapter 1407, Comrade, what are you doing?

Looking at it today, my cousin did not say a half-lie, Ye Jian is indeed a woman who is serious and responsible for people, and her personality is extraordinary!

Thinking of this, Song Qiuqi’s face is more correct.

He stood at the top of the stairs, and did not see Ye Jian of Qian Yanjun. He put the hat on the head of Qian Yanjun and looked at it with a smile. “Think of your hat as your own head, I miss you. I can stick to it. The hat is equal to one’s own head. Do you think it is so serious?”

Qian Yanjun: “…” is not generally good and serious, absolutely absolutely serious!

He Jingqiang resisted not letting himself laugh out, and the hat became a head of her own… she didn’t dare to drop her hat.

The other boys are suffering and can’t speak. They are purely out to be a companion. I know that… I was arrested. I have to stand in the military position. If I can’t stand the penalty, I can’t stop at night and have to continue. , days… bitter!

Ye Jian checked and corrected their postures before they stood on the last step, keeping their same heel hanging position and standing with them.

“The head must be right, the neck should be straight, the person should be straightforward, correct attitude, clear our goals, and take every step of our feet. Look up and be right, tell everyone that it is difficult and we can move forward.”

“The natural strength of the knees, the head can be broken, the blood can flow, the mighty and unyielding side of the soldiers themselves, straighten their legs! Soft is no confidence, soft is to succumb to the difficulties ahead.”

“Do not look at the front of the eyes naturally, don’t think that you are awesome. The military is not asking the eyes to be higher than the top. It is necessary to look ahead and go all out to complete your mission!”

“The lips are closed to me! Speak less, do more things, don’t brag about how capable you are, and say that you can do something beautiful, and win thousands of words in your mouth!”

Ye Jian said that the words that President Chen had said were not missing, and he said to the classmates who asked him tonight. “Not moving like a loose, straight as a gun, look like a torch, look stunned, and be a good girl!”

Do not move as loose, straight as a gun, look like a torch, look stunned, top of the ground good children!

The power of the ground, the sound of the earth, and the atmosphere of the picket that prepared to go upstairs to check the situation stopped. It was not that the students intentionally stayed in the teaching building, but used the rest time to practice the military posture.

The flashlight flashed, and the head picker took the teammates step by step upstairs.

Ye Jian has heard the footsteps. At this time, only the picket is coming over with the flashlight. He praised the channel: “The documents are placed in the pockets of the clothes. He Jing does not move, you have clipped the paper in both hands, I give You take it. The boys pay attention to the balance of the hat and fall down for as much as ten minutes.”

The snow-white tube illuminates the back of everyone, and the picket has also jumped. “Comrade, what are you doing?” In the school, the picket no matter what the student called the classmate.

Ye Jane took out her own documents first and smiled and explained, “We practice standing in the military position and end in half an hour.”

School pickets have the right to view the credentials of any student, even if they stay at the National University of Science and Technology doctors, they also have the power to view.

If the person is caught in violation of the military discipline, take the student ID registration and wait until the weekly meeting is notified. Then, the team cadre will come over to dispose of you, the cadre in the class will talk to you, and the cadres who are in serious condition will also Come over and talk to you.

(End of this chapter)

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