Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1408 - Brother, spare one time

Chapter 1408, brother, spared a return

In short, as long as you are picked up for picking up, for two weeks in a row, all kinds of flustered and heart-wrenching.

The freshman has not yet felt the horror of the picket. Even Ye Jian did not notice that the picket of the document did not immediately check the documents, but first observed it. Then the dagger nodded to Ye Jiandao: “This method Yes, continuous station for one year is absolutely effective.”

Very polite, not as fierce as the buddies said.

Ye Jian’s heart replied with a sentence: “One hour a night, there will be a harvest after one month.”

“A little thought, but a few of you are standing on the corridor of the school will affect the top and bottom of other students. I will not warn you tonight, and pay attention to it next time.” Returning Ye Jian’s certificate back, glare flashlight The light swept over the heel of several people, and the picket of the head showed a few smiles.

The other two pickets checked the documents of all the people, and they did not do anything else for the practice station, and the three talents “squatted” downstairs.

“It’s not as fierce as the buddies said. I feel very polite.”

“That is because…” There was a boy who just opened his mouth and the hat fell directly from the top of his head. The words turned into: “Hey, I rely!”

Ye Jian opened his mouth coolly. “You just have to say this, the weekly meeting will definitely have your name. Speak and pay attention. Add ten minutes, you have lost your hat.”

“Brother, I have spared it, I want to go back to the dormitory to sleep.”

“Give me a good stop, don’t fall on me!”

Even talking is slow, for fear that a hat will be spoken out loudly, time seems to be so casual, until Ye Jian said that Qian Yanjun still does not believe, “No, forty minutes so fast? This morning Forty minutes, I have been like forty days!”

“Attention turned away from nature.” Ye Jiangang said, a boy from the city of the furnace yelled at Qian Yanjun. “What did you rely on to turn your attention?”

Putting a big hat on the front, and a finger habitually checking whether the deduction is good, Qian Yanjun replied with enthusiasm. “Doing physics, you can do physics in your mind, I really don’t think time passes quickly.”

“I am carrying English words.” Song Zhiqiu replied.

He Jingbai gave them a look and honestly replied, “I have the conditions on the booklet. The teacher is not saying it, freshman, sophomore learning slowly, junior, senior sprint, you day by day I remember studying, oh, we are now paying attention to learning as long as we don’t hang on to the exam, but also as a high school student, do you study hard day and night?”

The study in the military academy is not as important as the key universities. For example, a very powerful, but savvy schoolmaster has entered the military academy. He will find that the capital he once proud of is in physical, military, and internal affairs. Slag!

When she finished speaking, she asked Ye Jian, “What about you?”

“I?” Hearing the serious Ye Jian, he finally replied honestly. “I am thinking about the curriculum. It is very interesting to have a cryptography. I plan to go to the library tomorrow to find a few cryptographs.” Look.”

“I am also very interested in this door! I was fascinated with the Morse code when I was in high school, because I only applied for the military school!” The boy from Shanghai was excited to take over the topic. “I also like the affine password! Ye Jian What about you? Are you crazy?”

Tomorrow 贱 (see), the little goblins, rinsed the lacrimal gland tonight, measured the lower eye pressure, and opened the eye-catching medicine, as well as eye drops, … eyes hurt, high intraocular pressure, bright and sad.

(End of this chapter)

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