Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1416 - Inexplicable awe (eight more)

Chapter 1416 Inexplicable Awe (eight more)

The eloquent Ye Zhifan has the majesty of the officials, and he also has the power to speak. The attitude of the sentinel is not as cold as before. He replied: “Our school is now holding a celebration, not meeting any parents. As for the holidays, all classes are arranged. Different, can’t answer your question.”

“And Mr., if you don’t leave, the soldiers on duty will handle it.”

Inside the car, Ye Ying stared at the sturdy National University of Science, thick bricks, faint tones, majestic national emblems, … and sentry sentinel, Ye Jian got these, entered the “army China” The military school called “big”, and you, … nothing, nothing!

The fingernails clenched into the palm of my hand, and when I felt the pain, I didn’t let go.

She must find a way to do it. She must find a way to trip down Ye Jian, and she must find a way to trip her.

What can I do?

Now in order to allow her to enter the army, parents have to take their own to apologize to Ye Jian, let her forgive her mother’s disrespect for the old man.

That old thing, dead can still add to her family, so hateful!

“What to do, don’t let us in, how to find her.” Sun Dongqing hurriedly chased Ye Zhifan who turned and returned to the car. She was so anxious. Can she be in a hurry for her daughter Ye Ying’s future?

“Now there is no news in the Qin family. There is no progress on your side. Lao Ye, we only have the road to Ye Jian.”

Ye Zhifan, who turned his face and gloomy, glanced at her coldly. “Do you know that it is urgently useful? Even her people can’t see it!” Deliberately chose a holiday for the whole country, she could not find her!

“How could this be, dead hoes… How did you get to this step? I used to play before, I want to fight, I want to swear, now… now… even her people can’t find it!” The gap is too big, As for Sun Dongqing, I have not accepted it until now.

“Oh, I am afraid that you will not even know where she is.” Ye Zhifan took some cigarettes with irritability and took a sip, and his eyes fell on the school gate of the National Science University.

He did not think how to get to this step, how to look at Ye Jian’s face.

Ye Ying did not come out, just looked at it, and the eyes were not willing to turn into a dark and dark color, making her whole person seem extraordinarily cold.

“Wait again, the sentinel said that they are engaged in celebration activities, and it is estimated that there is a relationship with the National Day.” Ye Zhifan exhausted the whole root and adjusted his mood before opening. “I will see her and give it to me…”

A sentinel walked straight toward him. “Ye Jian is now attending the celebration. After you register, you will join the school with the soldiers on duty. Please enter the school and follow the rules of our school. It is strictly forbidden to walk around and it is strictly forbidden to take pictures…”

In short, a lot of things, I heard Sun Dongqing’s face changed and changed…, endured and endured, trying to close his mouth and not open.

Ye Zhifan also had a difficult time to do. Who knows that there has been a big turning point. After listening carefully, he said: “There will be no trouble for the school, and it will definitely abide by the school rules and regulations.”

As long as you can get in, you must cooperate well, otherwise… will be driven out by Ye Jian on the spot, and she can certainly do it with her temper.

Some procedures were completed. Ye Zhifan finally took Sun Dongqing and Ye Ying into the campus. The moment when the family of three walked across the campus, even the breathing could not be screened a little.

Ye Ying suddenly grasped Ye Zhifan’s arm, and she had an inexplicable awe of it.

I can go tonight, good night, little goblins.

(End of this chapter)

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