Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1417 - Only the eyes of the eye

Chapter 1417 only has a red eye

This is a campus that Ye Ying never knew and never knew, and there was a sense of strangeness that made him feel awed, and she was always taking a sense of seriousness that made her breath suffocate.

Sun Dongqing also shrunk some shoulders, did not see the campus of the figure … solemn to her heart tremble, eyelids also jumped, my heart panicked particularly powerful!

“Old leaves, we have to wait outside.” After walking about 500 meters, Sun Dongqing suddenly opened his mouth with uneasiness. “The head here, the old makes me feel flustered, I feel that something big is going on.”

The more I walked in, the faster my heartbeat, and Sun Dongqing had not touched Ye Jian for the first time.

Ye Ying clenched her lower lip, her heart was equally flustered, but she was going to go back…, impossible, how can she return? Let Ye Jian know that she still can’t laugh at her!

Clearing the scorpion, in order to bring out the momentum, the front of the opening is also intentionally quite quite back, cold channel: “Mom, you are tight.” I think that the momentum is full, in fact, the voice is dry, revealing a weak .

Ye Ying listened to his dry voice, his face was even stiffer… It’s better not to speak!

The duty soldiers who walked in front did not communicate with the parents of the students. When they walked to the fork, they would be cold-hearted and reminded, “Go here.”

Ye Zhifan’s cold and cold eyes with a warning looked back at the two mothers and daughters. “Be optimistic about your feet, don’t fall.” Listening to the words like care, it is all warning.

The campus is very large. It takes a certain amount of time from the school gate to the parade playground. When I walk through two empty teaching buildings and walk through a promenade, suddenly, it seems that the air can be blown in front. The shattered sound of the slogan of the earthquake, I was shocked that the leaf Ying, who was not wary, directly “ah”.

Then, immediately grabbed his mouth and his face was deeply annoyed.

The duty soldiers did not look back and did not explain anything. They connected the duty soldiers in the intercom connection. “I am the duty soldier on the 11th position. The parents of the students have been brought in. The parents of the students have been brought to the hearing. Please hear and listen. Please answer.”

The “Ziz” current sound came from the intercom, and someone answered, “Please bring it to the audience, please bring it to the audience.”

“Received, received.” The soldiers on duty cut off the contact and turned to the Ye Zhifan family of three: “The school is now holding a military parade. After the audience, please sit down, do not stand up or walk around. At the same time, cooperate with the soldiers on duty. Routine inspection.”

Listening to the shock of the people, there is no nervous slogan. Rao is the official’s Ye Zhifan. He can’t help but hold his hands tightly. He listens with a gentle attitude: “Everything follows the arrangement of the school, we will not make our own claims.”

Although he is a provincial-level cadre, he can go to the military academy. It will be the same thing when he enters the army. His posture is flat and correct.

When Sun Dongqing and Ye Ying’s mother and daughter saw the main heart of the family, they didn’t have the authority to show up. Naturally, they didn’t dare to put any shelf, and even went to the soldiers with fear.

The heroic attitude of walking in a step-by-step manner is calm and cold, the arrogance of the lineup, the tidy and mighty pace, the powerful voice, if the big playground is all the future reserve officers of our army, although it is not comparable to the National Day military parade. But enough to shock people’s hearts.

Ye Ying has seen stunned, … This is the military school on the leaf test, this is where Ye Jian will live for four years, this is the life of Ye Jian!

(End of this chapter)

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