Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1422 - The difference between heaven and earth

Chapter 1422 The difference between heaven and earth

The time passed by, from 8:15 to 11:30, the leaf on the flag-raising platform was the same as the junior and sophomore, and the two masters were holding the same simulation gun as the 95-type rifle. Standing, always maintaining the most standard military posture, such as loose and straight.

Ye Zhifan has been paying attention to Ye Jian. When the parade is over and the flag-bearer needs to walk off the flag, his hand is not tight.

If this time, the leaf is out of the gap, I am afraid that the roots will not save her.

Step by step, stepping down the steps gracefully, walking step by step, swaggering past the rostrum, everyone’s attention to her, all eyes fell to her side, Ye Zhifan’s hands It’s getting tighter.

Even if there is a slight mistake, for example, the pace is not consistent with the other two standard-bearers, such as the knee is a bit soft, such as … heat stroke fainted, … even if there is a little bit of difference pool can be.

It is a pity that Ye Zhifan only saw Ye Jianyingzi’s cool guns passing by, and stood at the forefront of the whole school, listening to the conclusion of the top leaders of the school.

No rudeness, no bad pool, only the prestige of the military!

Ye Zhifan couldn’t help but close his eyes, Ye Ying, Ye Ying, you… When the difference is too far, the difference is too far!

The entire military parade ended smoothly, and the applause sounded. The teachers in the audience also patted the palm of the hand. It was very good. Every Founder team was out of the mighty momentum of our army, especially the freshman, and it has been so for two months. Great!

“The freshman’s flag-bearer on the freshman’s election is good. After standing for more than three hours, the action is still perfect when I go down. The girl can do this very well.”

“It’s really good. The students recruited this year are all good, especially the girl, it is worthy of praise.”

“Ye Jian, the three-class girl, her name is afraid to hear it often.”

In the applause, the teachers’ voices were also passed to the back. Sun Dongqing didn’t know how many times he turned back. Ye Jian, Ye Jian, Ye Jian, look back at you! Her baby girl Ye Ying is better than her!

“What you have seen, what you have heard, who said that Ye Jian is worse than you? Who said that you are stronger than Ye Jian? Ye Ying, if you are obsessed with it, you will be ruined in this life and destroyed by your mother! ”

Before the end of the applause, Ye Zhifan gave Ye Ying the last big blow.

What she saw was only the excellence of Ye Jian. What she heard was only the praise of Ye Jian.

I think that I am stronger than her, and I just think about it. No one thinks that she is really stronger than Ye Jian. It’s really better than Ye Jian…. All of them are just self-conceived.

The tears flowed like a dyke.

Not reconciled, too reconciled, she is not willing to let Ye Jian surpass her, not willing to be compared to it!

“Dad, I will apologize to Ye Jian and learn from her! Only when I am really strong can I defeat her, only to retaliate once she has given me pain!” In Liyang, Ye Yingshuang sighed with tears, deep in the bottom. There is even a deep and gloomy slogan. “I will definitely return the shame I have received to her!”

Ye Ying will not admit defeat, Ye Jian will not admit defeat, the past grievances, the current grievances, will one day be a liquidation.

Each class retired in turn, and Ye Jian returned the 95-type simulated rifle along with another flag-bearer. When he came out, Ye Jianshuang could not help but tighten.

Why write Ye Ying, because, Ye Ying is the murderer of the previous death of the leaf Jane, it can be said that Ye Jian rebirth is mainly to deal with Ye Ying, Ye Zhifan!

(End of this chapter)

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