Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1423 - Acting, who won't?

Chapter 1423 Acting, who wouldn’t?

If you really don’t read it wrong, the three people standing in front… I really found it in the school, a bit of a skill.

“Ye Jian, come over.” The class teacher who had only seen four times in the Communist Party of China waved his hand. “If you come to your family, come to the teacher’s office and talk.”

Go to the teacher’s office to talk?

Ye Jian has not answered yet, Ye Zhifan immediately said: “No, no, teacher, we have to find a place to talk about it.” He can see Ye Jian smoothly, because the school does not know between himself and Ye Jian The matter, go to the office to talk, Ye Jian said the original thing again, he is white again!

“Teacher, you must think that he is my uncle. Actually not, this Mr. Ye has repeatedly tried on my entrance examination. I have written a high school for one year on my resume, all because of the credit of Mr. Ye.” Jane doesn’t want to drag, and I don’t want to have a relationship with Ye Zhifan’s family for four years. “When the college entrance examination, he tried to make a mistake in my account, trying to stop me from going to college, teacher, I am with this Mr. Ye. Nothing to talk about.”

Don’t give her a chance to speak? Ye Zhifan, can you stop it?

It was so faint to say that there was no chance for Ye Zhifan to interrupt in the middle, so that the teachers in the three classes could hear the face directly cold.

With a deterrent sight, he glanced at Ye Zhifan and said to Ye Jian: “Come to the teacher and go to the office together!”

As a teacher, I naturally believe that my students have said it.

Really going to the office, then everything is in vain!

Ye Ying blushes and suddenly stands up. “Sister, I am apologizing to you. I used to be too ignorant and did a lot of things that made you sad.” The apology in front was hard, and the more I said at the end. The more skilled, talking, and speaking, even a few tears, “Sister, I am sorry, I apologize to you, please forgive me for not knowing what I used to be.”

“I know that I have done too many wrong things, and I dare not ask you to forgive me for a while. Sister, you give me a chance, I will change it!”

The sun did not come out from the west, so Ye Ying could not really apologize to her.

However, she did not expect that she could pretend to apologize and still shed a few tears.

Acting, who won’t?

I saw Ye Jian’s image as a shock, and suddenly flashed to the back of his teacher, holding his lips tightly… Nothing to say.

Yes, she didn’t say a word, but I have to look at how long Ye Ying can still be.

The head teacher of the National Science and Technology University is not so fooled. Standing in front of Ye Jian, he is a protector. He looks at the family of three who are ignorant of the preface. “You just said that Ye Jian’s grandmother is seriously ill and needs Ye Jian went home. Now, suddenly stood up and apologized. This gentleman, where are you in our school?”

“Teacher, you can call my family and find out about my situation.” Ye Jian said lowly, the voice was heavy enough to be pressed against the stone, full of helplessness: “I don’t have a grandmother, I almost died when I was young.” In the hands of this nominal grandmother. Teacher, I don’t want to see them.”

Ye Ying, who lowered her head, closed her eyes tightly, took a deep breath and sighed ten fingers, and the voice choked again. “Sister, I sincerely apologize, please forgive me, don’t you refuse me?… I regret it. I really regret it.”

Regret, regretting too small for you, regretting too much to believe in yourself!

Ye Ying, this woman is worthy of the woman, this woman is worthy, her IQ is not low, the past life is so good, how can the IQ be low, and the ultimate battle has not yet begun.

Next, Ye Jian and Xia Jinyuan’s sweet national holiday.

(End of this chapter)

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