Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1432 - What kind of special forces

Chapter 1432 What kind of special forces

Xia Jinyuan loves Ye Jin’s body, and like the grass, how can it be windy and rainy? It’s not awkward. It’s a bit of a smile on the cold face. “Good, if you dare to say something wrong. I will immediately report to the military and re-evaluate your psychological resistance.”

He and Ye Jian are lovers, and they are also comrades-in-arms. They care about each other in life, but they must strictly supervise each other in combat.

Once she has a problem, as a comrade-in-arms, he will not blink because she is his girlfriend, and close one eye, how to deal with it, and how to deal with it.

Ye Jian has always known that Xia Jinyuan is a public-private man. He never thought that he would take special care of himself in carrying out his duties. He was so strict with himself, and she was strict with her standards.

In the red light, G3 in the parking waiting looked back at Ye Jian, and slowly said: “Q Wang said that it also represents my thoughts. If the psychological resistance is not good, there will be fatal problems in the execution of the task.”

“The reason why you replaced the female soldier in the Nanguang Military Region was because the female soldier’s psychological resistance to stress did not meet the requirements.” Otherwise, there will be no temporary substitution.

I believe that the female soldier is quite sad at this time.

Because this is an opportunity to exercise mental quality.

As a special soldier, you are ready to fight. Once the mission is coming, you must enter the state immediately. There is no time for you to ease and adapt.

The Major General of the Army agreed that Ye Jian should temporarily join the mission. He also hopes that Ye Jian can exercise more before joining the Snowy Brigade, and improve her comprehensive ability in a faster and more stable manner.

Xia Jinyuan is also such a hope.

Before Ye Jian enters the snow squad, the task will only be more beneficial to her, which will make her faster and better integrate into the high-intensity combat preparation of the snow group, and can adapt to the life of the snow group faster.

Tenacity, tenacity, lasting endurance, strong psychological quality, etc. are all necessary conditions for a qualified special soldier. Xia Jinyuan hopes that she can adapt to the life of the special forces in advance.

At this point, I heard Ye Jian’s answer, and Xia Jinyuan, who is a special soldier, is actually very happy.

His little fox never stops because of difficulties, she will rush to the top and walk without fear.

Xia Jinyuan quietly looked at the delicate leaf Jane and asked her, “Ye Jian, remember what your goal is?”

Listening carefully to her violently hearing questions that have nothing to do with the task, I replied with a slight indulgence. “Remember, I want to be a special soldier, like you, a special soldier like the G3.”

Her voice is very clear, her words are clear and powerful, and it seems to contain infinite power, so that the G3 driving can not help but laugh.

The female soldier Ye Jian, in the heart of all the snow squad comrades, is an unusual female soldier. They also hope that she will become a member of the snow squad and become a comrade-in-arms. They can fight together.

“Very good, Ye Jian, you have to remember what you said, become a special soldier like me, like G3.” Xia Jinyuan raised his eyebrows, and laughed slowly from the handsome eyebrows, “Ye Jian, we Believe in you. All the comrades in our team, as well as the Major General of the Army, believe that you will be a special soldier like us.”

“So, do you know what kind of special forces like our special forces?”

(End of this chapter)

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