Chapter 1433 Elite Forces

The last sentence made Ye Jian’s pupil tighten sharply… He wanted to tell him about him, about G3, about everything about the mysterious combat comrades?

The car radio is turned off, and the tightly sealed car is quiet enough to smell the long breath of three people.

G3 drove quietly, and there was no accident.

Before the arrival of Xia Jinyuan, he asked if the Major General told Ye Jian before entering Beijing that they were a special soldier.

The Major General agreed.

Why agree? They know each other well.

The leader who arranged the protection of Ye Jian is not a general leader, but a leader who investigates big things. This leader rarely appears in front of the public. This time suddenly came out… The arrangement in the middle has an extraordinary meaning. .

At least, they knew that the leader decided to attend the celebration. The General Assembly Hall did not agree at all, but finally agreed.

Then, with the addition of the Snowy Brigade, immediately arrange a personal protection of the female soldier who will not receive the key attention under normal circumstances. … The result is that the psychological resistance of the female soldier who has been arranged has not passed. Let her replace the original position of the female soldier, protect the leader who is willing to take the lead and lead the snake out of the hole.

From this, it can be seen that Ye Jian stood on the side of himself who used his own bait as a bait to kill the criminals. It is possible to sacrifice.

Because this is a cult organization that has a relationship with the outside world!

Ye Jian sat very well, his eyes filled with the morning light, and he looked at Xia Jinyuan for a moment. “Summer team, I am ready, you said, I will not miss it!”

God knows how interested she is with the troops where Xia Jinjin is located! Sometimes a person still wonders what kind of troops they are. How powerful are the comrades who can enter this army. Can they become special forces like them like the summer team?

Now that Xia Jinyuan is ready to speak for himself, Ye Jian feels a little nervous.

Just now, I knew that I was going to perform a life-threatening task and I was not nervous. At this time, I was nervous.

Xia Jinyuan, who was a little dignified, saw this. After a long time, the slender fingers pressed against the forehead, and the laughter was like the water that opened, and the slow, low smile laughed out.

This is the little fox he loves, so brave, so pure.

“China has two sharp knife special forces, one is the snow special forces I am in, one is the storm amphibious frogman commando. On the battlefield, these two units are the killers of our country, and go all out when necessary. Turning the tide.”

Just saying two words, Xia Jinyuan saw the bright eyes of the little fox in front of the eyes shine more brilliantly, even more than the flashing diamonds in the sun!

Although there are only two sentences, Ye Jian has heard the tide of heart.

The special knife of the sharp knife can turn the tide on the battlefield. This is the special force of the special forces, the elite troops in the elite!

“The two units are secret troops that cannot be made public in China, can’t be seen, and can’t be known. No one knows our existence, no one knows the number of our troops, and no one knows the meaning of our existence. what.”

“The flowers and glory in the sun have nothing to do with us. The task is harder and the completion is complete. As long as you are still serving in the team one day, your position, your rank may not change.”

Good night, good night, I started to stay up late… I have to change, I have to change, I have to change!

(End of this chapter)

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