Chapter 1438 Conspiracy

Entering the city at the end of September, the sun is still sinister, and the sun is shining everywhere with dazzling light.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the hotel, Ye Zhifan’s eyes were low and his eyes were gloomy. “Jingli is now in control, brother-in-law, what are you doing now in Beijing? Don’t tell me that you have been watching the big celebrations in the past!”

“Hey, second brother, don’t be a big official! This can also be guessed.” After the recovery of his identity, Sun Yaozu lived in that moist, full of cockroaches came out, for fear that others would not know that he was a rich man, neck On the top of the golden chain with the little finger hanging, as he stooped down and sat down, the gold chain hangs from the neck, sparkling with golden light.

Sitting down and squeezing Ye Muxiang, she was told to let her pick up the phone.

He has nothing to say with this brother who is an official!

Ye Zhifan naturally does not believe that his Sun Yaozu has not been so enlightened, and he ran to Beijing to watch the big celebration. Besides, what is his identity and is he qualified to go to the scene?

“I am telling you right now, you can talk to me at a safe place.” I don’t believe that he can’t say it. If you want to solve Ye Jian, you can only really have Sun Yaozu out.

Just don’t know if this stock will be shot! Obviously hate Ye Jian hate to kill immediately, but can bear it!

No way, there is a Hou Yi in the south, and Sun Yaozu does not dare to shoot at will.

Mrs. Ye’s wife has repeatedly smashed, and she has to clean up Ye Zhifan’s first horse. They should not be so anxious here, lest they be shot.

“Second brother, I really can’t go anywhere else. It’s all boarded. You call me in the morning for ten minutes. I can go to the bathroom and talk to you.” Sun Yaozu, who is overweight, sits in the business warehouse. It was crowded and moved, and some dissatisfied swears, “Mom, Laozi can’t buy a comfortable one.”

Ye Xiangxiang is holding a small make-up mirror to fill the lipstick, and hears the words, no good words, “all say let you pay attention, control the weight!” Although the mouth said so, the eyes of the young are flashing a trace proud.

I have to get fatter again, and the woman’s bed makes him feel weak! Save money to give her an illegitimate child.

The sweet voice of the flight attendants greeted all the passengers on behalf of the crew through the radio. Sun Yaozu, who turned his eyes, simply lifted the mobile phone so that Ye Zhifan at the end of the mobile phone could hear the radio.

Hearing the voice, Ye Zhifan was convinced that Sun Yaozu did go to the capital. Then, Ye Xiaoxiang’s voice came from the yin and yang of the end. “Two brothers, you really have time to go to the hospital to see the mother. Now the mother can talk, you are Should the son stay with her in the past? I didn’t let you pay for the medical expenses. Can you not take the initiative in other things?”

Ye Qixiang is not a human being, but she is really filial to Mrs. Ye’s wife. The family has money for treatment, acupuncture, massage, etc., not to mention that it’s really a bit of an effect, so that Mrs. Ye, who can’t speak the original mouth, can squat. Speaking!

Mrs. Ye’s wife is very good at her daughter’s heart and lungs. Although she is old, she can still enjoy her happiness, so that some patients in the hospital are still envious.

Ye Zhifan, the kung fu on the face is doing a good job, so that it is absolutely impossible for him to accompany him every day. If he was not alert, he was afraid to leave with Ye Xinfan early!

Wen Yan, said: “Tell Sun Yaozu, Ye Jian may be investigating how her parents died in the past. After you have finished playing, think about how to deal with it. I am worried about what you do when you are brother, oh, you have a good cry. Don’t run out and play!”

(End of this chapter)

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