Chapter 1439 killing

After that, his eyes flashed a trace of twilight. He clearly heard Ye Haoxiang’s anxious “feeding and feeding” and hung up the phone directly. He took some hot mobile phones and Ye Zhifan smiled very lightly.

“I want to fight with me? Don’t dream.” Ye Jian can’t clean up because he wants to scruple the military behind her. However, Sun Yaozu counts something, a… fugitive!

Someone smeared his identity for him, and he can still let such a thing break the law!

Ye Qixiang was not good for the whole person. Her face was pale and pale. She handed her mobile phone over and shouted: “My brother said, “The dead girl is checking the previous things, this…”

“Shut up!” Although Sun Yaozu’s face is not so good, but he can also distinguish the venue, drink low to stop his wife from speaking. “There is less to say about the family on the plane. You dare to give me a bigger point! Don’t Ding’s fart is a panic.”

Saying, the fat body is close, and the face of the traitor is three-pointed. “Don’t you say it, he is more afraid than we are now. Your brother is the most embarrassed, and you will be kind enough to give us a venting letter. Hey, you are fooled!”

Ye Muxiang inherited the selfishness of Mrs. Ye’s wife, but she did not inherit the savvy of the old lady. However, she had the obedient obedience of the old man, and she sighed with a sigh of relief. “Scared me, scared me. I thought it…”

After receiving the fierce look of her husband, she did not say anything below.

There were a few steady footsteps coming from the front, and then came a fine whisper, and the flight attendant’s intentional hangs the curtain, and someone sat down.

The plane is about to take off, and the sweet voice of the flight attendant is ringing again, reminding all passengers to check the seat belt.

Ye Jian tied the seat belt, sat in the seat and spit a sigh of hot air. When he was about to speak, he suddenly heard the curtain and heard that he was no stranger, but he did not listen for several years. The sound of the sound, the calm face has a little cold.

“How?” Xia Jinyuan could not help asking.

G3 also cast a look of inquiries, her face changed instantly, and there was still a hint of killing in the faintness…. I looked at the eyes with Xia Jinyuan, and the two turned their heads together and their eyes fell on the blinds.

Just now a man said aloud, and Ye Jian’s face changed.

“I met an acquaintance, I didn’t expect him to be on the plane.” Ye Jian lowered his voice and said coldly: “The relationship is very bad. He is afraid that he can hear my voice.”

Xia Jinyuan’s mouth has been pressed, and people with poor relationship with Ye Jian… are countless.

It was not Ye Zhifan’s voice, but a strange voice that he had never heard. After a few seconds, Xia Jinjin’s face was cold and cold. “You don’t have to be influenced by them, rest.”

He has already guessed who is sitting behind, a guy who used to kill Ye Jian.

Behind Sun Yaozu did not know that Ye Jian was in front of his eyes, still saying: “What is broken, it hurts me.”

“Become a success, say a few words, everyone must be tied, you think that only you, said that let you control the weight, do not listen to advice, every time you fly by plane.”

This is the voice of Ye Xiangxiang.

The leaflet that closed her eyes was cold and cold, and her eyes were calm, but her hands were already tight.

The two of them have almost killed themselves… and her mood is indifferent and there will be fluctuations.

(End of this chapter)

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