Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1458 - Yi Gao people are daring (six more)

Chapter 1458 Art High is daring (sixth)

Ye Jian, who knows nothing about it, knows that the hotel tonight is not very calm. She didn’t wait in the room and she went back to the hall again. At the same time, she still had a cup of coffee with a good temperature.

The square face man is still there, but his expression is becoming more and more impatient. From time to time, he raises his legs and then puts it down again. The newspaper inside his hand is also shaking, and the patience is nearing the edge.

After the sudden change of the legs, when the opponent suddenly changed his legs, he walked over without letting the other person’s legs trip over himself.

The coffee fell on the square-faced man’s clothes, and he was picked up by the whole person to the front and took a few steps. The last one was planted on the sofa.

“Is there any long eyes!” The square-faced man did not feel that he was wrong. Instead, he picked up Ye Jian first. “Will you walk, Mom! Splashed Laozi!”

Ye Jian, who has not yet stood firm, quickly apologized. “Sorry, I am sorry, I didn’t pay attention to my feet. I was too embarrassed. Didn’t I get burnt? I lost my clothes, or I went to the bathroom to change.” I handed the hotel to dry cleaning?”

When people look good, sometimes they will be treated well. The first-second sullen face of the man looks at the face of a woman who has poured a cup of coffee. The attitude of the next second has improved a lot. Although there is still gas on his face, at least there is no more Hey, just said a word, “Be careful!”

Finish, stand up and look outside the hotel and walk towards the bathroom.

Ye Xiao, who apologized again and again, looked at the back of the man with a square face, and the corner of his mouth was very shallow, confirming that the other party was heading toward the bathroom, and she followed the past.

The male left female right, Ye Jian pushed open the toilet door that was still closed slowly. By the way, the “cleaning” work card was hung on the male toilet door lock handle, and then quickly flashed into the men’s bathroom.

“咔哒”, the door of the bathroom was locked, and the man who was taking off the jacket was not paying attention to him. It was too late when he felt that something was wrong.

Ye Jian’s movements were very fast. The other party just took off his clothes and a sleeve. She took the clothes in one step and used to pick up the other sleeves. When she couldn’t take off another sleeve, she picked up her clothes and slid over the head of the man.

“Who! What do you want to do!” The man whose face was covered was not responding. He only felt that he had a flower in front of him, and then he could not see anything, and he did not see who was behind the ghost.

The other hand was tied with the clothes by Ye Jian, and the sleeves were fastened to the other’s chin, so that the square-faced man had no chance to struggle, and directly fell through a shoulder-shoulder. The whole person was swayed by Ye Jian. Controlled.

“Hey, hey…hey…, let go! Let go!” The man who fell to the chest and struck the pain struggled, and the man who looked at Gao Zhuang, but did not have the skill, could deal with Ye Jian from the special forces, but struggled. A few times, I was directly stunned by Ye Jian.

To deal with such people, Ye Jian feels that there is no sense of accomplishment, it is too easy!

After about three minutes, the man’s voice suddenly came from the bathroom. “Mom, this time I haven’t come to see if there’s going to be a problem. I’m not going to come. I’m not looking for it, don’t you’re not I entered the hotel early, I didn’t see it.”

“No, you suspect that you are wrong?” The voice came from the phone, and the leaf holding the phone was slightly moved. He said, “I don’t know. I didn’t see it anyway. You came out to pick me up and discuss it. Do you want to call the big committee member?”

The sound is a voice of a square-faced man.

Good night, good night… I don’t know if I will update tomorrow. I have something to go out tomorrow… I will come back to estimate it at 8:00 in the evening. I think I will write up late at night.

(End of this chapter)

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