Chapter 1459, Intelligence and Motivation

At the end of the mobile phone, the accomplices of the square-faced man had a very obvious breathing. When Ye Jian heard it, there was a slight faint light in the depths of his eyes.

Obviously, the other party did not follow the things they expected, not only confused, but also caused the mood to fluctuate.

It is a good thing for her.

“The big members have placed great hopes on us. You said that we will not let a fire even. How can we explain to the big members? We have not done a good job, and Mr. Charlie will definitely not contact us for the big members.”

The man on the other side of the cell phone is obviously anxious, and the meaning of broken cans is faint. “He (mother), it is really not possible to go to the early morning, let us directly set fire to him, what director of the director has stayed! Get up and talk.”

I set fire in the early morning, Mr. Charlie, the big commissioner… The leaflet who captured the sensitive words suddenly realized that the man on the side of the face and the man on the mobile phone could contact the main target of the target by a man named Charlie. “.

In this way, these characters are small people.

Small people also have small characters, timid, scared, and not scared. Let’s find out Mr. Charlie first.

“Also, anyway, let’s just set fire! OK, say a few nonsense, I will come to you.” What is the voice of the square-faced man, what kind of voice is in the mouth of Ye Jian, the accent of the square-faced man Guilin accent, Ye Jian’s voice has a noble accent.

Ye Jian of the previous life was forced by Ye Ying to live in the country without a fixed place. In Guilin, there was also a two-month life. At this moment, she really helped her a lot.

“You come up first, I will pick you up at the elevator.” On the other side of the phone, the accomplices of the square-faced man obviously didn’t have much idea. He raised his hand and pulled up the curtain again and looked at the hotel. He saw that no one was driving in. Road: “Get up first, fast!”

I also have to know which elevator is in the way, and Ye Jian does not speak with words. “Well, which elevator do you see, etc.?”

“On the fifth floor elevator, hurry up.” The man who had no doubts indicated that his “companion” had come up as soon as possible. He did not wait until the target person came up so late, and he did not know what to do.

That is on the fifth floor. Ye Jian, who is easy to speak out, mute the mobile phone of the square-faced man. When she walks out of the bathroom, she looks lightly toward the fifth floor. After a while, she is nervous. The other party went to the phone. “You still don’t come to the elevator to wait for me. I don’t know how it happened. I feel awkward in my heart. You leave a slit in the room door. I am looking for you in the room. Don’t hang up the phone. Something is good. contact.”

With the same voice as the same-faced man, and waiting for Ye Jian on the fifth floor, she did not go to see if there was a gap in the room near the left, all of which were on the right, and looked at the room on the main entrance of the hotel.

On the mobile phone, the man also mentioned that he did not see a car driving into the hotel. It can be seen that his observation position is just right to the hotel road, plus the timid, irritating and impulsive temperament of the other party, except in his own room. I can’t think of where he will go.

Let him leave a door slit to the door of the room. It is also a test of whether he is in the room. The other party has refused. Instead, he readily agrees. He has been trying to ask here, and Ye Jian is sure that the other person is in his room.

At 9:30, I was tired, I wanted to take a day off, or I took a thousand words, I will see you tomorrow, I will see you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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