Chapter 1460 is a premise and then

Ye Jian was not slow to find, and was not rushed. He walked on the long carpeted corridor, step by step, until he saw a small slit in the room about five steps away.

The other side is also a little cautious, although the door of the room opens a slit, but the fuse chain inside is buckled to prevent something from being able to close the door immediately.

Ye Jian, who smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, continued to contact the mobile phone with the accent of the square face man, and told the other party to take the insurance chain down.

The man on the cell phone didn’t see his companion. Hearing the familiar voice, there was still some doubt. He said: “I finally got up, I sweat here.”

The sound came from the room, and then to the doorway, and then the fine sound of the insurance chain was removed, and the leaf slips of this moment came out from the side, … and then the door was closed, and the whole process took about thirty seconds. .

In the room, a thin and small, about 1.65 meters tall, about twenty-six or so men with wide eyes, staring at the uninvited guest, “You…you, what are you doing.”

Ye Jian, who was rushed in, knocked down directly. Fortunately, the hotel room was covered with carpets, and the man who didn’t have a pain was talking and climbed up. “What are you doing? Go to the wrong room.”

Ye Jian, young girl, exquisite and beautiful, cut Qi Liuhai, how to look at her in a professional dress, how to make the young man feel harmless, and did not feel the danger.

“Contact Mr. Charlie and talk about the plan.” I rushed in and Ye Jian held for a long time without the silver wire wrapped around her wrist. From the young man who had heated in the room and only wore a short-sleeved T-shirt, “By the way, ask you how to set fire in the morning.”

By this time, the young man had not noticed something wrong, and saw the girl who came in knows everything, and he feels inexplicable that he is even more puzzled.

It is really too calm, like a singular chat with an acquaintance, except when the door came in, it took a little effort. After entering the room, he calmly talked and said, and the young man was confused for a while.

I heard her say “Mr. Charlie” and set fire to the early morning tonight. The young man was the first to be shocked and changed his face. He asked, “How do you know!”

“I know more. I will continue to stare below. I can’t come up. You are also keeping an eye on it.” The line of sight looked around and confirmed that there was only one person in the room, and Ye Jian, who did not carry dangerous weapons, sat down against the hotel. In the casual round chair of the window, the eyes were slightly cold, and there were a few stern colors to look at the young man. “Fire, let it go. If people come on time, there is no problem in setting fire. If people don’t come, it is best to ask Mr. Charlie first. ”

The young man is not a recidivist at first glance, and Ye Jian’s true and false statement, coupled with the momentum of the sub-strategy, the incomprehensible young man suddenly finds the backbone of the heart and sits on another leisure circle. In the chair, look at Ye Jian up and down, for a while, “Who are you? Why haven’t I seen you?”

He said, could not help but straighten the body, and watched with vigilance, there is not much temperament asked: “You first say who you are!”

“The people who are appointed by the big members are always ready to help you. Otherwise, how do I know your plan? The car accident plan during the day has failed, so this time, as long as the target person appears, we must succeed! Never allow failure!”

(End of this chapter)

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