Chapter 1461 This is exercise

Ye Jane said the things in the daytime, the vigilance of the young man’s eyes suddenly dispersed, and sighed a long sigh. “That is, they can’t do anything, making me and the bear brother embarrassed! Mr. Charlie is not there,… OK, I will contact Mr. Charlie. If people don’t come, we still have to set fire.”

Then, I took a look at Ye Jian, and I was puzzled. “How can I never mention that there are other people who have come over? Just tell me that Laodong and some of them came to help me, and did not mention You are such a woman to help me.”

In a word, Ye Jian once again heard the unusual, and it sounded like this young man still has some status.

Laodong, should be a square face man, a few? How many other places? Also have to find out to become.

“If it wasn’t for you suddenly let the old man come up, I wouldn’t have it! The old Dongshou can only stay in the lobby in the lobby. How can I leave at will? Others, now I have a phone call and they are all staring. Don’t be patient!”

Ye Jian once again talked, no need to be careful, use the accusation of the tone, the words of the emperor, “You let this come up, let that come up, in case someone just happens to be there? What is the identity of the other party, don’t you know?”

How to interpret, how to get the information you want as soon as possible, … are all skills that must be met as a special soldier.

After the young man had finished the call to several other accomplices, the smile on the corner of Ye Jian’s mouth was a little deeper, and he was alone for the first time…. Even facing an enemy with no strength at all, I don’t know if it’s counted. Lucky?

It’s really lucky. Ye Jane has a guy who wants to come up with some credit, and then go back and let his uncle express his words to the “big commissioner” and let himself make a fortune.

Five minutes later, the young man called all four other accomplices. After hanging the last call, he was quite proud of his words: “It’s all well guarded, no problem.”

One is guarding the back door, one is staring at the parking lot, one is hiding in the hotel’s main computer room, and there is a door to the young man.

I know that I know that I can act almost as long as I know that I can only contact the “Mr. Charlie”.

The hour hand points to nine o’clock in the evening, Xia Jinyuan, who is sitting in the car, looked at the time and said to K7: “Contact Ye Jian and ask her if there is any discovery.”

Ye Jian, who has already put aside words, originally intended to keep young men, to see if he could find out more clues, and when he heard that the other person said that his uncle also wanted to meet the “big commissioner”, Ye simple knew that there was no other useful clue. It is.

Hearing the sound of K7, Ye Jian, who tied the young man with sheets, pressed his voice and said: “The criminals plan to set fire to the hotel at 1 am this evening. I have already identified several of their associates at the hotel, including one. The main suspect in this operation is not at the hotel…”

She said what she knew, and let the three people in the car hear clearly from the mobile phone that was transferred to the hands-free mode.

Xia Jinyuan’s eyebrows are very shallow, and he smiles at the white crane. He said that his little fox will not sit still, listen, she is already in action.

“Ye Jian, solve the other four criminals.” Xia Jinyuan finally spoke, slowly, with a little cold said, “This action, no one supports it for the time being, think of a solution.”

(End of this chapter)

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