Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1465 - An excellent commando

Chapter 1465 An excellent special commander

The smile on his face was tight, and his eyes suddenly brought a few sharp generals to Xia Jinyuan to express his intentions. “You hope that she will enter the snowy squad directly after graduation. The same is true for me. The pigeons are always handed over to this group. It is not a way for you to lead. There must be a leading talent.”

This is the reason why I should cultivate Ye Jian so carefully, because she has such a ability to lead the whole team, and the comprehensive ability belongs to the upper one, not worse than the summer and the present.

The big leader recommended Ye Jian to stay in Beijing, and he already wanted to go further. He immediately discussed with the military department not only to let Ye Jian go to Beijing to protect the director, but also to let her join the Qing dynasty and arrange her to act alone.

At the same time, he and the military have both made a slap in the chest to ensure that Ye Jian will become a qualified special forces in these four years, can immediately enter the snow squad.

Want to become such an excellent special soldier like Xia Jinyuan, Ye Jian has to be honed and honed.

With her outstanding performance in recent years, coupled with the bitterness of eating, it is still possible to enter the snowy squad directly like Xia Jinyuan after graduation.

“Thank you for your trust in me. I can assure you that Ye Jian will never let you down and let the military disappoint.” She can even put her hatred on the side for a while, just to be a good commando. Xia Jinyuan completely believes that the girl he loves will not let the person who sent her hope to be disappointed.

And himself, as her goal, can say that her growth has witnessed all the way, such wonderful, and so difficult, step by step, every step has been so calm, no half-step shortcuts, such a Ye Jian, how can you not become a good special soldier?

The generals also thought that Ye Jian would not let him down. After a few words of the cold summer of the summer, he said: “The director has been very worried. The end of the matter makes Ye Jian pigeons call and report to the director. “”

The military’s test arrangement for Ye Jian was not known to the Director.

For the director, Ye Jian’s visit to Tongzhou International Hotel is a live target. For the military, it is a test of Ye Jian, and it is not dangerous at all.

If a special soldier can’t even pick up a few criminals, it is not worthy of being called a special soldier. It is better to wash and go home to sleep.

Ye Jian did not let the Major General disappoint. She could find clues without any clues. There was no support in the whole process and she had been able to subdue six criminals. This shows that her psychological quality has been stable and there is no such And panic.

“A total of 20 barrels of gasoline, four earthenware packs and five beds of quilts soaked in petrol were found. Twelve lighters and six spring daggers were found from six criminals.”

In the hotel, Tongzhou police cleaned up the dangerous goods found, and a male police officer said, while recording, “According to the confession, all items were brought into the hotel by criminals using their position as hotel security.”

Twenty barrels of 5 liters of gasoline, four earth dynamite bags, plus five beds of quilts soaked in gasoline, burning a hotel is enough!

“It doesn’t matter to me, it doesn’t matter to me. I don’t know anything, just come and stay for one night.” In the next room, there was a man’s fear of pleading, and a nose and tears made for himself.

(End of this chapter)

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