Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1466 - Like a returning person

Chapter 1466 is like returning from an old man

Ye Jianwen, who assisted the Tongzhou police, raised his head to the male police officer who recorded the record: “The criminal is still a little bit related. He has a cousin who is very close to the main cult. I used to know him when I was talking. After the fire was over, he was asked to bring his uncle to meet with the “big committee members”.

In the face of the biggest hero tonight, the male police did not question the question. “Okay, I will report it immediately!”

“Okay, you have finished counting here.” Originally intended to hand over the criminals to the Tongzhou police to take away the leaves of the Jane to remove the filter mask, like a black slate-like black scorpion with a shallow smile staring at the policeman, “Hotel The crisis has been resolved, I think I should go. Then I will work hard for the police brothers.”

The male policeman who had to go through the next room was very happy. “Don’t you stay at the hotel tonight? If you want to go now, should I ask for the deputy bureau?” The policeman is very young. He just graduated from the police school for one year. The police officers searching outside are majestic and slightly green, otherwise they will not stay to clean up dangerous materials.

He said awkwardly, it seems a little too embarrassing. “When the deputy bureau left, he told me to go. If you want to go, I have to be the same…”

As he spoke, a few footsteps came with the voice of the voice. They walked very quickly, and they appeared in the room in the blink of an eye. The male policeman looked back and his face suddenly became very serious. “Cai, Deputy Bureau!”

“Is it all cleaned up? Have you found any other dangerous things?” The man who spoke was about forty-five years old. His face was very serious. He had the leader’s prestige. He looked at the young male policeman like the torch. : “Be careful when you count, to avoid a business trip.”

The policeman answered his back straight, “Yes, Cai Bureau!”

The deputy bureau said: “Cai Biao, this is Ye Hao who helped us the Tongzhou police tonight. Thanks to her, otherwise, we can’t complete the search so smoothly.”

He smiled and introduced to Ye Jian: “Ye Ye, this is Cai Bureau.”

Compared with the deputy bureau that smiles a little bit comfortable, Ye Jian thinks that this is a serious look, and the good-natured Cai Bureau is better to speak. “Cai Bo Hello, I am Ye Jian, active duty soldier.”

Did not say anything else, even the Secretary did not mention.

Before Ye Jian stood behind the male police, the Cai Bureau did not immediately notice, and at this moment she came out and generously came out, Cai’s line of sight directly stuck to her face.

The young girl has military temperament, even if she is dressed in casual clothes, it can be seen from a single step that this is a soldier.

But these are not the key points. The key point is… When the Cai Bureau saw this young face clearly, the expression changed quietly. The cold light flashed down and reached out. “Working hard, Comrade Ye.”

Young faces are also familiar faces, but one has never been asleep, and one is a new life.

There is another face in my mind that flashes in memory, and then look at the face that is so similar in front of me. The heart of Cai’s heart is like a drum.

He looked around at the petrol-filled room, and the darker-looking Cai Bureau once again looked at Ye Jian as inadvertently. “Let’s go outside and talk to Xiaozhu to check it out.”

Xiao Zhu, a male police officer who has been talking to Ye Jian just now.

I noticed that there was something wrong with Cai’s eyes, and he smiled and nodded, and he walked out of the room with him.

The deputy bureau was very eye-catching and did not follow. The Cai Bureau obviously had something to ask, and he did not have to follow.

Changsha is said to have only two degrees tomorrow, two degrees! Two degrees! How cold it is.

Eight thousand tomorrow, tomorrow there are eight thousand more!

(End of this chapter)

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