Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1467 - Touch and temptation

Chapter 1467 Touching and Testing

When Cai was walking, his arms were habitually rigorously swayed, and his background in public security uniforms had the most familiar and iron-like temperament.

This Cai Bureau is a veteran who switched jobs.

Thinking of this, Ye Jian’s twilight is a little dark, … she is very similar to her mother’s five senses, the grandfather said that all the friends who know her mother, as long as she sees her will know who she is.

It’s hard to be true. The Cai, who was converted from a veteran, knows her mother?

Will it be too clever?

I can’t doubt it myself, because Cai has looked at her own eyes, and indeed she missed a certain person through her.

Will it be my mother? Will it be so coincidental?

She knows too little about too much about her mother. It is rare to suspect that her mother’s death is likely to have something to do with Mrs. Ye and Sun Yaozu, and I don’t know where to start investigation.

For a time, Ye Jian’s calm mood was somewhat unstable.

Although the mood is not stable, there are still some faintly expected Ye Jian in the raised hand of the Cai Bureau, sitting in the leisure round chair in the hotel room, sitting down, slightly lifted up and greeted the Cai Bureau full of memories Eyes.

Time is actually not early, she still has to look for the director, although the heart is looking forward to, but can not be sure that Cai Bureau knows his mother, or do not have too much hope.

However, in a few seconds, Ye simpled to adjust the slightly chaotic mood and return to calm.

The Cai Bureau did not see that her mind had just been ups and downs. He was still thinking about his own thoughts. The memories of the depths of the buried memories all came up. If you saw Ye Jian for the first time, she felt that she was like her old friend. As the memory deepens, he really thinks that Ye Jian is the daughter of a friend.

Otherwise, how could it be so ugly!

However, they have received news that the old man died of an accident. The comrade, Xiaoye, who is similar to the old man, can’t, but he has to be steady, and then he will pay more attention.

The room was very quiet. Ye Jian saw that the Cai Bureau had not opened his mouth. He only looked at his own deep memories. He couldn’t help but frown.

It is such a subtle action that makes the Cai Bureau even more pleasantly surprised.

More like, more like, when the eyebrows are more like their own people, … In addition to the look between the eyebrows, the five senses and the old people are carved out like a mold.

Although the five senses are like, but they are not like God, the comrade Ye’s eyebrows are cold and cold, like Qingsong Aoxue, and his old man’s eyebrows are warm, like red plum blossoms, and there is a woman’s tenderness in the eyebrows.

Comrade Ye did not, the exquisite, sturdy eyebrows look hard, the eyes are more profound and deep, although there is a shallow smile on the corner of the mouth, but the cold temperament has been kept at a certain distance.

Looking at the faces that are more and more overlapping with the memories of the friends in the memory, Cai’s mood has not been stable for a while.

He did not speak, and the leafy Jane did not speak. He even picked up the teapot placed on the square and poured a glass of cold water on himself.

The careful sound of water injection made Cai’s gaze move slightly, and the line of sight moved from the young face to the cup. The sound of the harmony was filled with nostalgia and sigh. “Sorry! Some rude.”

“You are polite.” Ye Jian is not a person who is curious about other people’s private affairs. Even if he sees that Cai Cai remembers his old people through himself, he does not have the mind to know.

(End of this chapter)

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