Chapter 1470 is foggy

One of the soldiers held a small, dark-colored scorpion in his hand, which was covered with a square red flag, and there were several soldiers behind the two soldiers. Their side was all in the village. People, and some of us are sobbing.

Later, she knew, they said that his mother had sacrificed and slept in the little dark color scorpion.

The peach blossoms have fallen like rain. The sky is foggy and foggy, and the face is very cool and cool, so that my heart is very empty and empty.

They all said that her mother had sacrificed and sacrificed to represent death.

What is death?

Two or three years old, she experienced the death of her father, and she already understood what it meant to be death…

“When I sent it back, the willow buds in the pool were green, and the peach blossoms just came to the end. I know that my mother sacrificed.” Ye Jian said softly, because she knew that Cai was hoping that he would say that she could After one sentence, and then stringed into a line, you can know whether he is the daughter of his friend.

The Cai Bureau leaning against the back of the chair unknowingly sat in the body, and there was a little bit of water in the deeper and deeper. “All of our comrades like to call her “red plum”, the red plum in the army, and the plum in the army. ”

“Is it because her name has a word “snow”?” Raising his hand and wiping the tears of his eyes, Ye Jian knows that his heart beats a little faster, and “plopping” seems to jump out of the eyes of the blind.

Every time she said a word, she took a more serious look at the Cai Bureau, and she did not want to miss the expression of the middle-aged man’s face.

She thought that she did meet her mother’s old man and met her mother’s former comrades.

There was water in the eyes of Cai Bureau. With remembrance, sadness, and recollection of past events, “Yes, her name is “snow”, like the red plum that blooms in the snow. So, her code name is Take the “red plum”. Red plum in the snow, proud snow blooms.”

Said, his voice hoarse, “Sun Xueqing martyrs, this is my old friend, but also my former comrades.”

There will be no mistakes, no mistakes, Ye Jian must be her daughter.

Hongmei, Hongmei, did not expect your daughter to be so big, but also the mother-in-law, like you, dressed up to serve the motherland, became a female soldier who did not lose male soldiers!

You must be gratified by you under Jiuquan.

Cai Bureau completely believes that the girl in front of her eyes is the daughter of her old friend. The original serious eyes have become infinite warmth, slowly talking about the past. “I know that she has a daughter, the comrades in the team know, but in more than ten years. We used to ask the letter, and received a reply from the town that Sun Xueqing’s comrade-in-law’s daughter died because of an accident. We also asked a retired comrade-in-arms to inquire and get the same reply.”

“They all said that you went out to play with water at noon in the summer, and finally unfortunately fell into the water. The comrades in a class with Hongmei believed, and we all believe that you died in the summer of that year because of the unfortunate death.”

The result, no!

Hongmei’s daughter is still there! And let him run into it!

At this time, Cai Bureau completely believed that the young female soldiers in front of her eyes were the daughters of their comrades, Sun Xueqing.

I never knew that my mother’s comrades had come to inquire about it. However, it was impossible to know when she really inquired about it. When she was a child, she was struggling to survive in Sun Dongqing’s hands, and she was forced to be timid and weak by Ye Ying, together with Ye Zhifan. I had the instructions of Mrs. Ye’s wife to deliberately abandon herself. She didn’t know anything outside.

(End of this chapter)

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