Chapter 1471 is more complicated

“Let you worry, I have always lived in Shuikou Village and never left. I don’t know when you have been in our village?”

“In the third year after your mother’s sacrifice, this group of people retired at the end of the year and wrote a letter to the town in September. In early October, they received a reply. At the end of December, a retired comrade went home before deliberately coming over. Hey, we are completely convinced that you really “dead” because of the accident.”

Director Cai sighed. “Under this, I don’t understand what happened. It is still alive. Why do we receive a reply saying that you have an accident, and our comrades-in-arms also said that you had an accident.”

Calculating the time, at that time, he was just being bullied. Ye Zhifan was a village official and was closely related to the town government of Fujun. He received a letter and intended to reply so much. It is normal.

What is not normal is why mother’s comrades should say this.

“If the letter you wrote falls into the hands of Ye Zhifan, then he replied that it was normal for me to fall into the water. If you don’t want me, I can live in peace, and sometimes I think it is a miracle.”

Ye Jian half-snapped and said half-heartedly, but when he spoke, he saw Cai’s face suddenly dark and whispered, “Why, who is looking for it?”

For a moment, Ye Jian’s heart slammed down, Cai’s expression and what he said… there is a problem!

She did not guess wrong, and really did not guess wrong.

My mother’s sacrifice is doubtful!

“No one is looking for a door, just…” Ye Jian, who was thinking about flying, lowered her head. She was thinking about whether she should directly ask the Cai Bureau, but can she believe him?

Meet for the first time and ask those who may be involved in a wide range of past events?

The Cai Bureau also looked down. So, he did not see the meditation on Ye Jian’s face. He was ready to talk in his heart, and the buzzer came from Ye’s cell phone in his pocket.

Xia Jinyuan called.

Looking at the caller number, Ye Jian did not hesitate to get up directly. “Cai, thank you for telling me about some of my mother’s things. I still have things to do without disturbing your work.”

“There is still a lot of things about your mother, you…” The Cai Bureau, who stood up and stood up, deeply condensed the daughter of the friend of God, saw her look strong in her eyebrows, and had a sharper light than her mother. After a few seconds of pause, he said: “If you want to know more about your mother, you can contact me at any time.”

Obviously, when he said this sentence, Cai had hesitated. After hesitating, he said this in his eyes.

She always suspected that her mother had sacrificed her doubts. She felt that she was in a deep heart. She thought that she would definitely contact the Cai Bureau because he knew his mother’s business.

“Okay, maybe one day I will come and bother you.” After receiving a phone call from Cai’s office to the notebook, Ye Jian looked down and took the group’s attention.

Leaning slightly toward the Cai Bureau, Ye Jian walked away.

The young female soldier did not return, like her mother, she knew that there was danger. She knew that it was very possible to go back. She took the task and did not ask for a pack of equipment. The departure.

Ye Jian only knows that when her mother sacrificed back, the willow green leaves are green, and the peach blossoms are dying, but I don’t know when the red plums are going, the snow is shining, the world is covered with silver, and the only red plum branches bloom.

(End of this chapter)

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