Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1472 - The role of boyfriend

Chapter 1472 The role of boyfriend

The door of the room was slowly closed, and the young back was completely out of sight. The Cai Bureau slowly sat back in the lounge chair, and his face was condensed and gathered. When there was nothing to say, the comrades who lived and died were lying.

Hongmei’s daughter is clearly alive, why does he say that the news is confirmed?

If the comrades in arms really lied?

The hands of the Cai Bureau, which are placed on the armrests of the lounge chair, are gradually tightened, and then they are clenched into fists.

Hongmei’s daughter is very smart. She should know something, so she will be so careful and follow her own words. If she really knows something, who told her?

What will she do next? When will I call myself?

Ye Jian knows that she will definitely call the Cai Bureau. She has not been aware of her mother’s sacrifice and doubts after she has lived in the past. Since this world is back, she will definitely check it out! Will definitely check it out!

Ye Jian, who was twitching in her heart, walked step by step, very stable, without any confusion, the more so calm, the more people could not see what she thought at the moment.

She will definitely call, but not now.

“Come out.” In the car, K7 retracted the military telescope, and Q Wang Dao, who is closed to the eyes, said: “I don’t plan to get off the bus?”

The car was parked at the side of the road where I could see the door of the hotel’s revolving door. Xia Jinyuan did not need a telescope. The dark eyes passed through the icy night, through the light light, and saw his girl with a sadness that would not be discovered. Keep your chest and take your steps.

Hand, on the door lock, Xia Jinyuan, who did not plan to get off, pushed the door open.

The white crane on the co-pilot position is still watching with a telescope. He adjusts the focus, and it is clear that the girl who came out is able to see the face. Just look at it carefully. The girl who was looking at the front suddenly blinked and looked like With a knife and a sword, you can straighten your eyes.

Suddenly, Baihe quickly put the telescope down. He turned his head and turned to K7. “Her is very sensitive. I only adjusted my focus and found it.”

“White Crane, why should she cultivate her so much, why she can let the big leaders remember, why the military has opened the door to her, and naturally you will know when you get along with her.” Even said “why”, K7 But he did not explain clearly. After he finished, he started the car and waited for his two comrades to return.

The thoughtful white crane in the eyes has been looking outside, why? Naturally, because she has something extraordinary, she has the ability that no one can surpass.

Has not met, has been scared by her sensitivity.

There was silence in the car, and outside the car, Ye Jian looked at Xia Jinjin, who was coming toward him, and accelerated the pace to meet.

“Sorry, I have kept you waiting.” She paused and slammed her mouth. “Some things have been delayed for a while, private things.” He added a tone of explanation.

Xia Jinyuan raised his hand and patted her on the shoulder gently. “Nothing, get on the bus first.”

She said that she was delayed due to personal matters… With her own understanding of her, it can be seen that this matter will tell itself and will not hide.

If you really want to hide it, his little fox will not mention it.

The hotel’s green belts are filled with light-skinned street lamps. The ground spotlights are also installed on the roots of the shrubs. Although Ye Jian is standing in a light and shadow, her sly face still looks awkward, and Xia Jinyuan clearly sees her expression. … through sorrow, but also through the instigation.

(End of this chapter)

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