Chapter 1493

This is a middle-aged man who has read only the primary school. The labor service is exported to work abroad. When he returns, he creates a “God Lord Church” for four years!

Li Wei rest assured. “You are right, Wang Gui knows that we have too many things. If you don’t solve it, you will not feel at ease even if you are abroad. Beijing…”

She also wants to say that Chen Jiafu, who is more vigilant than anyone else, immediately stopped. “Well, what is the matter, you come to the village to say it again. As for the goods in your hand, if it is really good, take it to the village first.” Come inside.”

There are too many places to use money outside. Recently, the wind is so tight that he has no way to go out and collect money. Now he can only see when Charlie can get things done and let himself go safely.

Solved a few policemen, even let yourself be exposed, … he really did not expect!

Charlie analyzed that I was afraid that the inside of the village had a ghost and reported him to the outside.

There is a ghost inside the village. Even if he decides to go abroad, he has to find out that he has already carried so many lives. He does not care about one or two.

I asked the girl what the origins were. When I came out, there were no other people around me, family situation, personality, etc. Li Wei answered the truth truthfully, without a word of concealment.

Chen Jiafu has always believed in her. After asking a few words, she hangs up.

Both sides got the news, and Li Wei, who had an idea in his heart, was relieved. The big committee members said that they had to deal with Wang Gui. Then she had nothing to worry about.

When Li Wei came back, she had already arrived at 11 o’clock in the evening. She was alert to the awakened Ye Jian who listened to her to reopen the door lock and slammed her hand into the room.

There was a wind blowing, and Ye Jian did not smell the **** smell on her body. It seems that Wang Gui is still alive.

Li Wei, who entered the room, did not turn on the light. He only flashed with a flashlight in his hand. He saw that the girl who had been abducted had no doubt lying on the bed, and gently picked up the small bag that Ye Jian had been carrying out of the room.

Five minutes later, Li Wei returned to the room with a clean packet and took off her clothes and lay down.

At two in the morning, Li Wei, who had a lot of trouble, had not yet fallen asleep. Ye Xiao, who woke up and woke up, closed his eyes lightly and continued to stay in his sleeping position for a while and fell asleep completely.

After the sky was high, the hard smashed.

At five o’clock in the morning, Li Tian, ​​who was not bright in the sky, was on a small four-wheeled agricultural truck. She sat in the middle, sitting on the left side of the driver, and sitting on the right side of Li Wei.

“It’s a little far away from the mountain. If you haven’t slept well, you can sleep on Li’s shoulder and sleep well.” Li Wei yawned and Ye Jian had a conversation, and chatted about her instead of sleeping. .

Before leaving Yuyang, Yuyang police told him that it would take four hours to drive from Xiaoxian County to Shanlitou. Then he had to take a motorcycle. It was not finished yet. Finally, he had to take a mountain road of 30 kilometers to arrive.

The traffic is inconvenient, surrounded by mountains, difficult to enter, it is more difficult to come out.

It is said that it is not too far away, it is still convenient for transportation, and some mountain villages have to go on a day to become a success!

After four rounds of agricultural vehicles, I took a dilapidated motorcycle. After riding for about three hours, I went to a poor and backward mountain village. Two men who claimed to be relatives led the way and began to cross the mountains.

Arriving at the location of the “Chen Jiafu” of the big committee member, Ye Jian spent a whole day.

Departed at 5 in the morning, until 7 o’clock in the evening, into the village where the lights are sporadic.

Sorry, Qingyun’s sister is married, the No. 29 maiden family runs wine, and the 30th man runs the wine. These days are quite busy. There is no time code on the run and the run, and the update is pitiful.

(End of this chapter)

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