Chapter 1494 Meets

Li Wei did not bring Ye Jian to see Chen Jiafu. She came over in a hurry. Ye Jian was only abducted back by the way. When she entered the village, she arranged Ye Jian to go to another villager’s house.

This is a small mountain village with 30 households outside the mountains. It used to represent poverty, backwardness and old age.

Then now it has become a mountain village with more money, especially Chen Jiafu’s sisters and relatives have built two-storey buildings, and they have lived through their good days.

An illegal organization that exploits and manufactures various rumors, spreads fallacies, uses these means to deceive and incite to control members, develop members, save humanity, spread religious doctrines, and use whatever means to collect money and endanger social stability. In a small village, I can survive. I have to say that Chen Jiafu has a certain IQ.

He is very clear about how to unite the villagers and understand how to find shelter.

The villagers in the village became his asylum and became his eyes and ears. Where there was a rush of wind and grass, Chen Jiafu immediately learned that the soldiers who died were rumored by the villagers, and Li Wei made a plan and spent less than half a day. They were killed by cruel means.

Ye Jian, who walked in the muddy path of the Black Mountain Village, followed the footsteps of a villager. There were two middle-aged women in the village behind her, and her name was “escort”.

Li Wei did not follow, she has already gone to Chen Jiafu.

On a small slope, Ye Jian couldn’t help but look up at about 300 meters from himself. It was the direction in which Li Wei left. A villager flashed a flashlight behind her, and she walked in front toward her. It’s hard to hide the lush centuries-old maple trees in the night.

Chen Jiafu lived on the side of a hundred years of maple trees.

Ye Jian did not stop, and Yu Guang glanced at the villagers who were in a hurry.

“Sister Li, …here where she is going.” After a few steps, Ye Jan deliberately stopped the problem.

The two villagers who walked behind looked at each other. One of the middle-aged women replied: “She went to her husband’s house. It is not early. We will send you back and go home. Let’s go.”

In the first half of the sentence, I don’t want to talk to Ye Jian, and I am very vigilant.

Ye Jian did not ask again, and if asked again, it would cause their resentment and alertness. Moreover, she only needs to know that the direction that Li Wei went is indeed the location of Chen Jiafu.

However, it is still more to ask a few confirmations.

But what she didn’t think of was that Li Wei had arranged for her to pay for the meeting!

Paying the meeting, the only girl in the village who has attended high school is the only girl in the village who has a lot of reading! If it were not for her report, the police would not find the birthplace of the “God’s Church” and where the main crimes were.

As for the parents who paid for the meeting, it seems that they are honest and honest, and it is hard to imagine that they have sin in their hands.

A man and a woman who came over Ye Jian came to pay the parents to the dark place. “The person brought by Li Jie will bring back to Yuyang in a few days. Your family will be tight, and let your prostitute put it on the machine.” “”

“To my family, Li’s business is a matter of family.”

I was so anxious to pay, but I pulled the leaf and went into my room. “Where did you come from? How come with Li Jie? Do you know where this is? How much is your family phone? You tell me soon. !”

Tomorrow eight thousand, eight thousand more

(End of this chapter)

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