Chapter 1497 This is her light

Her voice was very light. When she said slowly, there was no panic. Only the calmness of seeing and seeing her eyes was calm and soft. The cold eyes of the eyebrows suddenly made the panic in my heart disappear.

An Rutai Mountain is as stable as a rock… The meeting will gradually calm down.

The outside did not know what was being discussed. The parents suddenly closed the door of the house and locked it with a lock and left with a flashlight for black road.

When I paid to see my parents leave, I was relieved that I should have been a loved one. Since I came to this step, I’m a little embarrassed.

“My parents made a big mistake. If they go wrong again, they will be sentenced to death. I have no way to persuade them to turn back. I can only send hope to the police. I hope it will not be too late.”

Without family care, the payment will show a deep smile, and the eyes will be red. In the light, there will be tears in my eyes.

Did not continue to say his own things, raised his hand and touched the corner of his eyes, the strong girl very calmly provoked important things told Ye Jian, “The police killed did not bury a place, Chen Jiafu said that they are “sinners”, do not deserve In the past, if they are not handled well, they will become evil spirits and harm the villagers.”

“So…” The next thing is too bloody, and I just can’t bear to say it when I think about it.

Ye Jian’s light eyes closed the suffocation of the fundus, and he was cruelly disarmed… even if he had been on the battlefield, he could not directly say it.

“Chen Jiafu is very cruel, but the villagers in our village have been brainwashed by him too much. He is obedient to him and regards his words as a sacred decree.” In fact, it should be said that as a god’s will, there is no way to pay for it. Export.

She has always stood up and mentioned Chen Jiafu. There is no hate in her eyes. Without him, her parents may be a little bit smothered, but she will never go to a crime.

However, if his parents can really stick to their own nature, Chen Jiafu can’t help.

To say that, it is because of a word: money.

“I don’t know how many people are involved in killing the police. But I know my parents should be involved.” Saying, the meeting wiped his eyes again and his voice became more and more dumb. “I will give you something.” You wait for me for a while.”

Did not let Ye Jian for a long time, less than three minutes to pay back to the room, she had a photo in her hand, when she handed in, she looked sad and said: “I found it in my backyard pig manure pool. ”

This is why paying will say that her own parents are involved.

In the photo, the young faces are flying, wearing new police uniforms and wearing white white gloves to salute the camera.

“This is one of the sacrificial police officers. I am only twenty-four years old. I will need your help, I will find them anyway, so that people can see the whole body.” In the cold and sturdy Ye Jian, I carefully took the photos, lifted them, and quietly stared at the meeting. “Tonight, I need to find them.”

The 18-year-old will nod. “Okay, I will accompany you!”

“No, pay, you need to stay.” Ye Jian smiled and shook his head. “You need to stay and cover me. You can’t let your parents discover that I am leaving, and I can’t let the villagers know my identity. Next three It takes a lot of work for you.”

(End of this chapter)

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