Chapter 1498 Fighting with you

I still want to say a few words, and I heard Ye Jiandao: “For your safety, and my safety, you have to stay for the meeting. Then you need to help me with one thing, in order to prevent one. Wan, I have to know how many dogs are in the village, which ones are there and which ones are not.”

“Every household has it.” The meeting will understand why Ye Jian asked this question. The police officers were discovered by the dogs in the village. “My family also has it, but it is now in the backyard.”

It is said that Ye Jian is slightly wrinkled.

It’s a bit bad for everyone to have a word, and the medicine she carries is not enough.

Pulling on the zipper and pulling the side zip inside, Ye Jian took out the medicine in the Tibetan clothes. “The concentrate can make the dog mad, pay, your dog…”

“I am coming!” He will take the medicine and take a look at Ye Jian. “You will arrange it, I will listen to you.”

Now she can only believe that the young “woman policeman” in front of her wants to prevent her parents from continuing to make mistakes. She has no choice.

The two girls who built a layer of red bricks only started a bold plan, and the parents who paid for the meeting came out from Chen Jiafu’s house.

“Give your son a call and let him come back soon, oh! This is the case, even the daughter-in-law can save money. Do you still have to go to the city to buy them a house?” Fuhui mother said with joy, no work for a few years. She is a little blessed in her body and looks like a kind-hearted one. When she says it, it is ugly. “I will finish the matter early. This woman only marries a child and is safe. Let’s get ready soon.” ”

Paying the father nodded: “It is this reason. When you are tomorrow, you will call your son and let him hurry back. Yes, tell him on the phone and say that he has found a beautiful wife, no more than the outside. The difference.”,

The daughter-in-law who said in the mouth of the couple is Ye Jian. The lifelong event of the son has been solved. The two couples are even lighter.

At 8 o’clock in the evening, the mountain villages were dark everywhere. The branches in the mountains were like squatting monsters. When you look at them, you will panic. The night worms are screaming in the grass, and the whole mountain village brings. A touch of peace.

Sitting in the chair, Li Wei’s face was gloomy and gloomy. She was very dissatisfied with her own arrangement of her lover. She even gave such a good “goods” directly to the family!

“Charlie, I haven’t contacted him one day today. Auntie, if you can’t contact tomorrow, you will leave tomorrow night.” Chen Jiafu, who has a pair of sly eyes, is smoking expensive cigarettes and spits out the smoke circle. We took the wrong step, and if we take the wrong step, we will pass the prison in the next life.”

When Li Yi heard it, he took out the documents in the bag and put it on the table. “So, the wind outside is already very tight. Cheng, I listen to you, how do you say how I will follow you.”

“Just that Wang Gui, how do you think about it?”

Chen Jiafu is really reluctant to deal with his mistress of one year. However, at this time, it is not something he is reluctant to do. Wang Gui, who is scared by both eyes, suddenly appears to have several young men from his home. The slightly fat body keeps shaking.

“You brothers, I really don’t know. This mobile phone is really embarrassing! I have to tell a lie, I can’t kill it in a day!” Wang Guifa swears, and she has no consequences, she just wants it. Please take this group of fierce gods as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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