Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1499 - Don't worry, say slowly

Chapter 1499 is not in a hurry, slowly said

Xia Jinyuan, wearing a baseball cap, lazily sat in a wooden sofa chair, slender fingers kept playing a dagger, and then he threw the dagger and caught it with a pair of fingers. Wang Gui only saw the knife that had been wounded in the hands of the young man. It was like a piece of paper, and he could not hurt him at all.

“You don’t make any poisonous oaths. I have to solve it now. You just need to raise your hand, do you believe, or don’t you believe it?” According to the positioning tracking in the mobile phone, Xia Jinyuan and his comrades directly touched Wang Gui’s home, facing The suspect’s disapproval denied that Xia Jinyuan, a special soldier, had a solution.

During the speech, the dagger of the hand was shot directly toward Wang Gui’s brain.


There was a scream of pigs in the room. K7 was a bit noisy. After holding the dagger in his hands, he took a sharp knives and cut two pieces of cloth in his long T-shirt. Plug your ears with cloth.

Xia Jinyuan, they have been eccentric, K7 has always been informal.

Wang Gui, who scared the incontinence, shook his body even more, and there was no trace of blood on his face. “I said, I said, I said all, I said all.”

It’s too scary, it’s too scary. What kind of person is this? When did you offend these people?

In fact, Wang Gui’s heart has already had some speculation, but he dare not face it.

“Well, don’t worry, say slowly.” Elegant sitting on the summer and today, clap his hands, Qing Yajun even even a smile, slowly said: “If you can’t say clearly, then you can’t help, wait for me. I will aim at it and try to get into your head as much as possible, so that you will be less guilty.”

Not to mention okay, one said that Wang Gui scared more shivering.

The swearing oath did not dare to send it, and did not dare to lie, and what the fierce gods asked us to answer.

Whenever she had just wanted to avoid the weight, the young man who looked particularly good-looking had a knife in her eye, and she had a cold sweat on her back. It seemed that she had already seen herself lying next.

In front of them, they only asked their own personal situation. When it came to the late chairman Chen Jiafu, Wang Gui felt only black in front of him.

Come, come, her most fearful thing is finally here.

Where are these people who are fierce and evil, clearly the police, they are coming to arrest themselves, come over to catch Chen Jiafu, and catch Li Wei!

In the previous days, the eyelids jumped all the way to the night, and the partiality did not jump tonight. The original thing was already found on the door.

Wang Guiqing, who was trembling, shook his throat and opened his mouth. “I joined the “church” soon, that is, one year, because the county people know many friends, Chen Jiafu gave me a sum of money. Let me be responsible for inquiring about some things in the county.”

Wang Gui is not as good as the villagers to deceive Chen Jiafu’s words as a sacred decree. Now he is also a mud bodhisattva crossing the river itself is difficult to protect, where is it possible to offend Chen Jiafu, and all the brains to tell everything they know.

“…I know so much, other Chen Jiafu will not tell me. You ask again, I can’t tell.”

It’s enough to hear so many pairs of Xia Jinyin, turn off the recording pen, stand up from the sofa, and stand one meter and eight feet. From the height, you can feel pressure and make Wang Gui die. The bow, do not dare to move.

(End of this chapter)

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