Chapter 1500 search

“Handed over to the police of Guilin.” After listening to Xia Jinyuan, he only said such a sentence, directly killing Wang Guixin’s last trace of luck.

She thought that as long as she confessed, there would be nothing, and she couldn’t care. She looked up and cried: “I said all of you still want to do it? You grabbed me, I know only this, not Say confession is wide, resisting strictness? I am frank, how can you take me away?”

Although savvy, it is equally ignorant.

I have violated our laws, but I think that as long as I confess my apology, I will be safe.

“Notify the police of Guilin to control all the criminals who Wang Gui has provided, and cut off the communication between the main case and the outside world.” Wang Gui was taken away, and her food wholesale store has temporarily become the base of the snow team. Xia Jinyuan opened the satellite map, and pointed his finger at one of them. The handsome face was cold and watery. “The place where Chen Jiafu is hidden is here, surrounded by mountains, and the traffic is inconvenient. The provincial police and the county stations are controlled by the police.”

“We drove to the mountain village tonight to meet Ye Jian, and at the same time control all the villagers in the mountain village to prevent riots.” According to Wang Gui’s confession, the villagers in the village where Chen Jiafu is located have all brainwashed. If only Chen Jiafu is arrested, all villagers will resist. It is the last thing leaders want to see.

“Several people are forwards, pigeons support them, Ye Jian is the internal ones, and protect witnesses from personal safety. Brothers, this is a bit special, you must be alert, don’t let the bullets go.”

All the people facing this battle are Chinese citizens, and they must be cautious in order to avoid leaving the people to disagree.

The white crane nodded. “You can’t kill, you can’t use a gun with your bare hands. Basically, that’s it.”

Execution of tasks in the country, especially involving people’s issues, as a soldier, they are under greater pressure than foreign operations, even if they face guns in the hands of criminals.

This is a constraint on the military and a country responsible for the lives of the people.

The lights in the small food wholesale department went out, and several black shadows came out of the door and disappeared into the darkness.

The sound of the motorcycle was “banging and banging”, and the people in the county town who were dreaming of the city did not notice anything and continued to live a peaceful, calm and simple life.

Someone has come out to shelter them from the wind and rain, block the potential dangers, and solve the criminals who don’t know when they will be in danger of society.

When the wind started, the night sky of the original stars was not covered by the dark clouds. Even the insects had stopped screaming, and everything in the heavens and the earth was completely shrouded in darkness. This was the darkness before dawn, full of unknowns and full of danger.

Ye Jian has not slept yet, and she has begun to perform her tasks according to the location provided by the party.

The water in the pond was a little cold, and Ye Jian, who only took the coat off to the side, took a deep breath and sneaked into the pond. Without any protective measures, she searched with her own hands.

The meeting said that the woven bag was thrown in the center of the pond, and she slowly searched for it along the center of the pond.

Fortunately, the pond was a little remote. There was no house nearby. The sound of the water was a little bigger and it would not attract attention. The hand touched a stone woven bag in the mud, and the heart of Ye Jian suddenly sank.

She found the first woven bag.

(End of this chapter)

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