Chapter 1501 The whole province attack

Slowly drag the woven bag out of the water and drag it to the depth of the water and the shoulder. Ye Jian has a self-defense dagger to cut off the tightly woven rope and take out one piece of stone until the bag There was no more stone in her. She picked up the woven bag with her own hands, and looked solemn and cold to the shore.

Carefully put the woven bag down, and the wet leaf is standing straight, and bows to the woven bag. “Please wait another two days. I will swear to you in the name of a soldier. You will definitely take you. You will be sent to your loved ones.”

Standing and saluting, Ye Shu, a man in the dark, swears to the sacrificial police that she found the torso of one of the police officers.

Not yet finished, she still needs to go through a place.

The meeting provided a total of eight locations, which means that the sacrificial policeman was buried in eight places by his followers in Chen Jiafu’s instructions.

Ye Jian needs to find four places tonight, and find four more places tomorrow night until you find it.

There are two burial sites for the villagers’ home gardens. Ye Jian did not plan to go tonight, but went to the place away from the houses and found the policeman who died for justice at his fastest speed.

At three in the morning, the director received a call from Xia Jinyuan, the head of the snow group brigade action team. He said that Ye Jian, who had sneaked into the mountain village, found four woven bags, but he could not confirm which policeman was the body and needed DNA testing.

This is a good news for the police, and some people have even been excited to red eyes.

Their brothers can go home and their brothers can go home.

“Life and death, a full-scale battle with the military, all the cult personnel have been wiped out!” At four o’clock in the morning, the police of the action swears, wearing a thick night, to their respective positions.

Throughout the news from Ye Jian, the entire Guilin police blocked the province and strictly checked the entrances and exits. Some people were taken away at night, and some were directly taken up by the police in their sleep.

In Yuyang, the police raided the “golden bath”. The so-called technicians, masseurs, waiters, including the busy waiters in the kitchen were all taken away by the police, and the top management was taken away.

The “golden bath” was in chaos. Some people wanted to use the mobile phone to secretly notice, but found that their mobile phone did not have a trace of signal, the telephone line was cut off early, and it was impossible to contact the outside.

“No signal, no signal, my phone has no signal.”

“I don’t have it, I don’t have it, what should I do? What should I do? How do we inform Li Jie?” The ones that were not taken away immediately were secretly discussed, and the results did not help. They had no way to contact the outside world.

Li Wei, who was far away from the mountain village, did not receive any news. He also slept on the shoulders of his lover, Chen Jiafu.

“There is still 41 kilometers from the destination. Now we need to walk into the village.” At 9:00 in the evening, it is now 5:21 in the morning. Xia Jinyuan looked at the time and took the lead to push the motorcycle into the forest.

The spare petrol was hidden from the motorcycle by branches, and after five minutes they got out of it, and the footsteps hurriedly and steadily entered the thick fog.

The mountains were foggy, and the leaves of the four woven bags were drilled out of the woods. Listening to the dog barking in the village, she quickly flew to the house.

It’s going to be bright, and she has to hurry back to get it.

Hello in December, this day is a good day, it’s time for the New Year.

(End of this chapter)

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