Chapter 1502 is ruined

The meeting was already anxious. She didn’t sleep all night. She kept lying in bed and kept her original position, for fear that she would miss the agreed-up code when she moved.

Time has passed, it is already 5:30, and parents who have been getting up early are estimated to have gotten up and dressed.

“Why haven’t you come back yet? Why haven’t you come back? Nothing happened, you must bless her and there is nothing wrong with it.” The wolf in the quilt will talk with both hands, and his face is full of urgency.

Her parents have gotten up, in order to get up early to call their son.

The footsteps were heard through the door panel, and the heart of the meeting was suddenly hanged into the eyes of the blind man. She took her head out of the quilt and was about to look out. A black shadow suddenly shrouded.

“Do you have any clothes? I need a set of clothes to change.” A wet leaf Jane stood by the bed and smiled and talked. “Sorry, I am worried.”

By the slight morning light shining from the window, Ye Jian saw the worry of the young girl in her eyes.

Just after changing the clothes, I came to the door, and I took a very heavy slap. It was the mother who paid for it.

Ye Jian opened the door, some unpleasant: “Auntie, why are you doing it, I haven’t woken up yet.” The money will not be scared, and then the trembling in the quilt will only be opened by her.

“Eating breakfast.” The mother of Fu will not speak Mandarin. She said three words very seriously. She looked at the slim girl with deep gaze and nodded in satisfaction with Ye Jian.

With her son, worthy.

Ye Jian’s brows were not wrinkled, and the door was closed and turned to deal with the meeting: “Your mother just looked at my eyes a little bit wrong. When you asked for breakfast, what happened?”

No need to pay to ask, her parents took the initiative to tell the reason.

“Your parents let me be your daughter-in-law?” For such a reason, Ye Jian’s eyebrows were cold, and after a while she smiled. “It’s quite interesting. Where is your brother now?”

Leave her as a daughter-in-law, and I will regret them when I get there.

In the eyes of the meeting, she shed tears. She turned her head and didn’t want to let the tears flow out. “I also find it very interesting. For my brother, my parents are really…” They all said that the child did not speak, but she The parents, the mistakes made were too big, and they took a nap and took a breath to continue. “There is nothing to lose.”

“Don’t be sad, you are very good at paying.” Ye Jian, who never took the initiative to swear, stunned the girl who was hurt by her parents. She said softly and calmly: “You need a new environment, you go.” The road is different from them, everything will be better, don’t be too pessimistic.”

Such a kind and fair girl, she will have a good ending.

Li Wei didn’t appear until noon. Seeing two girls sitting on one side, at least three meters apart, each boring in the sun, the smile on his face could not help but relax.

“Sister, I am embarrassed, my sister has been busy until now.” Or Li Xiaoxiao, who was wearing the suit of yesterday, came over. “Sister Li wants to say sorry to you, I am afraid I can’t take you there today. Hunting in the mountains, it will be done tomorrow.”

Ye Jian seems to wake up, trying to open his eyes and licking it, as if he can see who the person is, and he is powerless: “Li Jie, I seem to have a cold, tomorrow will be tomorrow, I want to sleep.”

Good night, good night, eight more sent, the monthly ticket necklace winner Minger announced, the United States and the United States drop a sterling silver necklace.

(End of this chapter)

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